Distinguished Member
I could never see the point, air is 78% nitrogen already.I've put Nitrogen in my tyres for years, first on my leaf and then my MG5. The theory goes it saves you money in ICE cars, though the rational (reduced weight of fuel) doesn't hold up in an EV obviously. But for me I know the importance of having the correct pressure in tyres so Nitrogen scores here too as the atoms are larger so cannot seep through the pores of the tyre, thus virtually no leak.
A local tyre garage here charges £2.50 per tyre then every 3 months he says come back to get checked and top ups are free.
Ive been doing this since 2017 and I'd say the number of times they've topped up is in single figures

In theory if you let the oxygen (and other smaller atoms of whatever) leak through the tyre you have already got 100% nitrogen at a lower pressure. If you then top up and repeat, after a few top ups you end up with almost 100% nitrogen in your tyres naturally.
I wouldn't trust that the garage is using pure nitrogen when they put it in and when they top it up, they may be using 78% nitrogen, in other words, air.

I've still got the original air in my 2.5 year old ZS and only topped up once.