ok, first of all, sorry for my english because ist't the best

. and seconds, maybe the pieces and position are different because my car isn't a UK versión.
My problem was the AC radiador and the solution was very simple, Just put two or three layers of foam.
For that, you must remove a lot of things. Glovebox, plastic cover down of glovebox, plastic cover on the left side to access to the central ac unit (mine was rigth side).
When all of those plastic are removed, you will see a big Black plastic unit, and at the botton, a Metallica box(grey), that is a high voltage radiator.
Beside, you will see a cover that are looking down, with a few torx screws, you will find it because there are two metalic tubes. Si, you must remove the screws, take of this cover, push up the radiator with your hands, and then, push a few layers of any to help to stay with the correct position.
I attach an older image with a mark where you will find the cover that you must remove. Sorry because i have no more images.
I hope this helps you, but if you need something just tell me.