So where did you buy your car from and what version is it?
Good one let's not continue with the petulant games you know the answer to that already.
You got called out your reply was nonsense other members agreed, as I said I'm glad your enjoying you car and it's all working as it should. I m also glad you managed to not get ripped off for the extra £1000 January price rise when you ordered your car in December and your dealer tried it on.
Tell me who was it that messaged you on Christmas Eve and told you to get back to them and point it out, I wonder ?
If all you can come back at at me with is, what you did then who is trying to provoke a response now it's almost as if you are trying to bait me and get me to display an emotional response.
Sounds like a definition of something.
The OP was in the wrong, it has been discussed to death not because of what he said but the way he said it.
People can be critical of the car they all don't have to love it, there are far too many examples of issues on here that prove people don't all love it.
People also don't need to own a particular car to be able to call out crap service and support. And as I highlighted the other day people that do should not be in receipt of responses that they have just because it goes against someone's else's idea or experiences.
As always this behaviour seems to go unchecked
I have often said that I genuinely hope everyone's cars have zero issues but I will continue to comment on crap service when I see examples of it.
If your not happy put me on Ignore if you want it's no skin of my nose,
I've seen too many examples of members that are critical being subjected to a variety of derogatory responses to their criticisms. If I see it I will continue to call it out. People don't agree with a lot of my posts
They don't have to agree with members posts but they can at least be mature enough to continue to be civil.
I like this forum it's amongst the best due to a good core of great members that's knowledge is second to none, they have helped so many people in recent months, there are also people that love a bit of good banter and don't take stuff to seriously
That was until
@tsedge became a you tube star tonight and became to big to socialise with us mere mortals.
I hope you continue to enjoy trouble free motoring?