Bernard, going to the bank tomorrow, for bank transfer, what's your email to send my home address to you, many thanks, Michael.Hi @MG4onOrder , sure thing, DM sent ?
Some cowboy on the internet ?That looks good Steve, where can I get one of those ???????
Glad it arrived ok?
Hi @Ryan, yes I have got a couple left. I've sent you a DMIf you still have owners manuals up for grabs i will take one!
Count me in for two copies please. Newbie question, how do I DM you? Thanks
Hi BernieI've made a small amendment which I hope everyone is happy with. I hope you are as it's lowered the price to just £8.95 + P & Pfor the first batch.
What I've done is to reduce the size down from A4 to A5 and raised the quality of the paper. I realised that A4 was really far too big a format plus it wouldn't fit in the glove box!
Are there any preferences as to the colour of the binding comb? I was thinking red would be nice.
I've picked up mine today and I only have one gripe. The infotainment screen is right on the boundary of not needing my reading glasses and needing my reading glasses! I need a visit to the optician now!!!..... thats again Bernard, a few our us are visually challenged trying to read this from the infoscreen / an iphone et al., why did MG/SAIC decided that that manual would be digital??? (plus the silly font size (point 6??) on the screens - its like spotting a neddle in a haystack )
one does not need to apologise, but I do need to be sitting in the back seat (with the kids! ) to read the info display clearly!!I've picked up mine today and I only have one gripe. The infotainment screen is right on the boundary of not needing my reading glasses and needing my reading glasses! I need a visit to the optician now!!!