Thank you for sharing the video by the way!Thanks guys. Just wanted to make sure it’s not a defect.
It looks like they didn't even drive it on the routes, they just used ABRP. Or am I reading it wrong?Interesting cost/mile analysis
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because, like it or not, 'cheap' is right at the top of the list of wants for most people looking at this car. The majority of EV owners are motivated by £££ (it's a big reason for choosing EV over ICE) and within the EV market MG are squarely aimed at the segment where £££ is the main focus. Draw a Venn diagram for the MG4 and 'cheap' is right in the centre, so yeah, Autotrader know their audience.I really don’t understand the wording of the title of the video… why mention “cheap”
Apart from getting the starting price wrong ... and the wheel size ...because, like it or not, 'cheap' is right at the top of the list of wants for most people looking at this car. The majority of EV owners are motivated by £££ (it's a big reason for choosing EV over ICE) and within the EV market MG are squarely aimed at the segment where £££ is the main focus. Draw a Venn diagram for the MG4 and 'cheap' is right in the centre, so yeah, Autotrader know their audience.
Not a bad review, that part with the sun roof was very funny ?