I had a test drive yesterday in MG4 SE. The salesman drove initially and when we stopped to change driver, he said the car was showing a key error. At this point all the doors were locked and the alarm sounder started. We couldn’t open the doors and he was unable to get the car to recognise the key moving it around the cabin also he was unable to move the car.
At this point he rang the showroom and got his colleague to bring out the spare key as we’d only gone a short distance.
Has anyone had a similar issue as he claimed he thought this problem had affected a small number of cars.
One thought I did have does the car have an unlock button anywhere?
I‘m new to electric cars and my 12 yr old car doesn’t have the same tech.
Hi Wilma when the salesman’s colleague arrived with the spare key How was the car then opened, what I mean is did he just press the button on the handle or the car outside as in the keyless locking method or,
Did he use the key fob button to unlock the car and open the doors,
or did he have to use the mechanical key blade you don’t actually say how the car was opened to get you out.
In your case you where as you say only a short distance away from the spare key had you been miles away well I don’t see how you could open the car
A fine this a bit worrying as this is a demo car so is new and the battery in the key has gone dead !!!?in such a short time !!.
I have noticed in the passed with other cars when you look at service booklets there is sometimes a tick box for key batteries that should be changed at service but that is only once a year or so.
I agree with Alb #08 above this could well be a serious situation to be in.
Also that suggestion made by Amdmad #17 is very good and one that manufactures should take on board, especially cars that have wireless charging in them.
Or maybe fit a mini USB connection in the key fob so the key batteries can be recharged while driving the car then the batteries should never run flat good point Amdmad ?
Umm worrying, could well be a issue with safety if your stuck in the car and can’t even move it as well which is what Alan has pointed out even with the key blade there is no way to start the car on the MG4 #14+#16 he also said his currant car what ever that is, gives a warning that the key batteries or low, does the MG do this does anyone know ?
Having now asked that question I suppose it must not warn you the key batteries are low otherwise why did the salesman not change them on his demo car.
Worrying for sure will be out shopping tomorrow for a couple of spare CR2032 batteries, not been such a good first month in the life of the MG4 has it, what with Oil leaks and now this possible issue.
So now having learned from the Oil Leak thread that MG Motors do not engage with public forums such as this care of there Mr Gary Smart as he as pointed out in his emails to some owners it appears only the dealers will have the answers to some of these question so
I’m sorry but Miles Roberts CG could you please look into this and perhaps speak to MG motors at Longbridge on the forum s behalf about this possibly very serious problem and possible Safety issue that it could become in certain conditions.
Thank you.