State of Health. It can only be read with a ODBII reader.
Like all things with rechargeable batteries, EV high voltage batteries deteriate over time. The rate of this isn't linear and is also governed by treatment. Much the same as an ice vehicle, you rev the nuts off it when it's cold, it wears the internal components. Flooring it when the battery is cold will put undue strain on it, same goes for rapid charging at the big dc chargers, shoving 150kw/h into a battery isn't treating it nicely. Other things they don't like is being left at 100% charge for long periods of time or below 20% for long periods of time.
Ev batteries usually have an overhead (unusable) part to the battery so often the first % or so of health isn't really noticed.
The MGs battery warranty is around 70% from memory, I don't think I've seen any anywhere near that quoted on here, in fact most are high 90's
Mine is going in for its 2 year 30k service next month and I'll be interested to see the result. I charge pretty much daily to 100% on a rapid charge. At a guess it's 99% as I'll see 249 on the range meter at 100% sometimes.