MG5 Roof rails decorative only

Everyone must also consider the weight of not only on the items on their roof rack but the roof rack itself which will bolt onto the roof rails...they also add to the overall weight. I have accepted my MG 5 and will get in next week with free fast charging cable and internal mats for my troubles so not that bothered.
I think this was then retracted on Friday afternoon. Waiting to hear more from my dealer about it...
I bet the fly on the wall conversations would be interesting to overhear...
seems you’re right

View attachment 1116

They really are useless aren’t they ? ?
Thank you Kiltox for your post this is exactly what I said on here on Friday that the first post was incorrect quote (my dealer told me it’s yet to be rubber stamped they say,) unquote but I think there’s more to it than that.

MG have done their very best since I Contacted them on the 6th November 2020 to cover up this fiasco changing brochure and website pictures

( even though you can still to this day find them with the bike on the car in the dealers and on their web sites as I wrote about yesterday)

Good bit of air brushing someone on the forum wrote LoL,

Even on the communication picture you have posted today they or still trying to cover things up ( read the bottom line ) don’t tell anyone that means, and in the top right of the page
( priority RED in RED letters ! ) sorry they have yet a long way to go and people who might have bought these cars on the strength of the pictures might yet take them to task over it, even I ordered my car having only seen the excite model in my dealers but when they pointed out the extras that come with the exclusive including the chromed roof rails I placed my order paid my deposit and had a £900 Zappi fitted at home in readiness then I later found on page 62 the rails are for decorative purposes, I think you know the rest, but now without any changes or modifications they are suddenly able to take 35kg I’ve said before my friend I don’t trust anything they say anymore and neither should you.

it’s not over yet I wonder how many orders have been lost or cancelled over this stupid mess they have got into

I can assure you I did my best for over two months to get them to change things letters, posted to the MD at my cost, emails, and phone calls, and I warned them I would take it to the ROSPA, and the Consumers Association (Which) if they did nothing about it and in the end that’s what I had to do on a matter of SAFETY

they never had a leg to stand on from day one from a safety point of veiw so I said to them the roof rails FIX THEM or REMOVE THEM

Anyhow I’m glad we now agree they really are useless, at lease in their communications skills to their dealers and their customers. As I have said before their head office just don’t seem to care a hoot.
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What Car magazine, in their Awards 2021 issue, carries a piece on Page 49 entitled "Which EVs can take a roof rack and tow bar".

Timely or what?

There's no mention of the MG, unfortunately.

The email address [email protected] seems quite useful........
Just so everyone knows I have written to the DVSA and to Which see post I placed on Friday 15th to thank them for coming on board the case of the roof rail issue so here’s what I have said if you would like to read just to keep things up to date.

To DVSA and Adrian Porter at Which

Thank you for your mail and I am so pleased you are looking into this issue, I have also spoken to a gentleman by the name of Adrian Porter from the consumer association ( Which Magazine ) he has been very helpful in this matter l am sorry I had to fill out your online form the way I did, but until I had filled in almost all of the boxes on the form it would not send, I did send an email to you at an address which must have been the wrong one because I got a reply saying that department dealt with MOT enquiries, so I checked again and then found your online form I’m sorry if this caused any confusion due to having to input wrong information in the form but obviously it got to the right department in the end so thank you for your reponse

I have most of the emails and copies of letters between myself and MG if you need any more information, this has also been forwarded to Adrian Porter at Which.

On Friday 15/01/21 I believe MG sent out an engineering update around 13:30 hrs, to say the roof rails on the MG5 could now hold 35kg but then later the same day I was told that update had been withdrawn again, I had already emailed MG motors to say that 35kg was not the 50kg as stated in the brochures, and I asked that they contact in writing all owners of the vehicles already on to the road to make sure that they knew about this capacity change but l am sorry to say, the withdrawn again message only got to me just after I sent that request to MG.

Even so 35kg I consider to be totally inappropriate on this kind of car, my car a Skoda Superb estate has a roof load limit of 100kg as do many others, but just looking at both cars someone might think for example well that Skoda has got 3 bikes on its roof so I think this MG would also be ok with 3 bikes, I would estimate that being 45-50 kg In total but the cars look very similar and not thinking about or checking for weight limits I know you could say that they should. BUT !
I did say to MG motors please fix or remove these rails from this model but was told no they where not going to change or remove them.

If I may I would like to take this opportunity to express an opinion on this. I think on all vehicles fitted with rails of this type, that the rails should be stamped with their maximum weight bearing capacity, so that anyone placing a load on them know without question what the maximum load limit is, I have seen these kind of stamps on towing equipment and on tyres sometimes, along with maximum pressures that are allowed.

I have said previously in my letters to everyone I’ve written to, when these cars are obtained secondhand or if hired or on loan, you my never see a handbook and might never be told what the limits are.

I know it would be a massive task to stamp all vehicles already out there on the road, but I do think it would not be that difficult to get manufacturers to stamp it on new vehicles of the present day and those in future production, and thinking more into it now how difficult would it be to have the load limit printed on to a MOT certificate when next tested, or the Registration document V5 when the vehicle changes ownership for them already on the road, it would at least be a way to make owners aware.

I thank you once again for your time, and hope my comments might help in perhaps avoiding accidents that could arise from misuse or ignorance due to lack of knowledge.

Les burrows
What Car magazine, in their Awards 2021 issue, carries a piece on Page 49 entitled "Which EVs can take a roof rack and tow bar".

Timely or what?

There's no mention of the MG, unfortunately.

The email address [email protected] seems quite useful........
Hope you noticed the pictures of the car in 2021 magazine still has bike carriers on the roof rails. Think someone at MG should have a word
Hi everyone there is an update this morning on the Which article that I posted on Friday 15th at 8pm it is written at the bottom of the article as an update

It says MG are now offering MG5 exclusive owners to loan a ZS in they need to use the roof to carry a load , until they can sort out the issue with the roof rails on the MG5 if you need to do this you should contact you MG dealer for details
Hi everyone there is an update this morning on the Which article that I posted on Friday 15th at 8pm it is written at the bottom of the article as an update

It says MG are now offering MG5 exclusive owners to loan a ZS in they need to use the roof to carry a load , until they can sort out the issue with the roof rails on the MG5 if you need to do this you should contact you MG dealer for details
I'll take the positive from that in there will hopefully be a solution that involves the rails being usable.
Hi everyone there is an update this morning on the Which article that I posted on Friday 15th at 8pm it is written at the bottom of the article as an update

It says MG are now offering MG5 exclusive owners to loan a ZS in they need to use the roof to carry a load , until they can sort out the issue with the roof rails on the MG5 if you need to do this you should contact you MG dealer
Hi everyone there is an update this morning on the Which article that I posted on Friday 15th at 8pm it is written at the bottom of the article as an update

It says MG are now offering MG5 exclusive owners to loan a ZS in they need to use the roof to carry a load , until they can sort out the issue with the roof rails on the MG5 if you need to do this you should contact you MG dealer for details
Thanks Les, good to know and as @greentangerine says, it indicates that they are doing something about it behind the scenes. What that actually is remains to be seen but hopefully positive. Thank you for all your efforts so far!
Well whatever you say, they are actively looking for a solution , spurred. on by Les in no small measure.
I am still leaning toward the 5 rails or not. I have rails on my ice and never used them.
We're very happy with ours so far, though at c.200 miles on the clock, not exactly power users...
Hi Richie
Thanks for the PM info I had a look but can’t find anything anywhere saying how to do that, but re your last post Im much the same as you my cars on hold and one of the reasons I went for it in the first place was range as my son lives in London and the congestion charge zone is expanding again, and I think he’s home may then soon come under it not sure, about the ZS it’s well down on range and since I found this forum the comments by some about the battery and charging problems that some seem to be having is not good reading I hope the 5 as not got them posting are saying not but then posting and some YT reviews are saying the 214-276 mile range for the 5 is a load of bull as well but I’m sure it will be better than the ZS bigger battery and what should be less drag for a start

But I like up might still say no to MG especially if they don’t sort out these roof rail problems as we know if one did cause an accident because of the rails then no one would even look at buying one, my current motor Skoda Superb estate lives up to its name in every way ( SUPERB ) had over 7 years now never miss a beat averages 53 mpg and can do 60 plus on a run and at my age now 74 I might just run it into the ground local garage who does my annual service on says I must be mad getting rid of it but as I said at the start going into London soon to see family will be about £15 a day soon and of course fuel is going up and up and I sure quite soon the government is going to do something more to get as many ICE of the roads as they can so my thinking was get the EV now so at least I can get a few years out of it I hope, before maybe I have to stop going up and down to London .

I took a look around the comparison sites for insurance got a few prices around £50-80 more than the Superb last week

Well you know how they send up updates on some of them well the prices I was given have gone up by a further £50-70 this week on the MG5 makes you think so watch that rang my current insurer as well not even got the MG 5 listed as yet so unable to give me a quote said try later if i get the car
Stay safe

have you looked in the top left - little envelope sign?
Just so everyone knows I have written to the DVSA and to Which see post I placed on Friday 15th to thank them for coming on board the case of the roof rail issue so here’s what I have said if you would like to read just to keep things up to date.

To DVSA and Adrian Porter at Which

Thank you for your mail and I am so pleased you are looking into this issue, I have also spoken to a gentleman by the name of Adrian Porter from the consumer association ( Which Magazine ) he has been very helpful in this matter l am sorry I had to fill out your online form the way I did, but until I had filled in almost all of the boxes on the form it would not send, I did send an email to you at an address which must have been the wrong one because I got a reply saying that department dealt with MOT enquiries, so I checked again and then found your online form I’m sorry if this caused any confusion due to having to input wrong information in the form but obviously it got to the right department in the end so thank you for your reponse

I have most of the emails and copies of letters between myself and MG if you need any more information, this has also been forwarded to Adrian Porter at Which.

On Friday 15/01/21 I believe MG sent out an engineering update around 13:30 hrs, to say the roof rails on the MG5 could now hold 35kg but then later the same day I was told that update had been withdrawn again, I had already emailed MG motors to say that 35kg was not the 50kg as stated in the brochures, and I asked that they contact in writing all owners of the vehicles already on to the road to make sure that they knew about this capacity change but l am sorry to say, the withdrawn again message only got to me just after I sent that request to MG.

Even so 35kg I consider to be totally inappropriate on this kind of car, my car a Skoda Superb estate has a roof load limit of 100kg as do many others, but just looking at both cars someone might think for example well that Skoda has got 3 bikes on its roof so I think this MG would also be ok with 3 bikes, I would estimate that being 45-50 kg In total but the cars look very similar and not thinking about or checking for weight limits I know you could say that they should. BUT !
I did say to MG motors please fix or remove these rails from this model but was told no they where not going to change or remove them.

If I may I would like to take this opportunity to express an opinion on this. I think on all vehicles fitted with rails of this type, that the rails should be stamped with their maximum weight bearing capacity, so that anyone placing a load on them know without question what the maximum load limit is, I have seen these kind of stamps on towing equipment and on tyres sometimes, along with maximum pressures that are allowed.

I have said previously in my letters to everyone I’ve written to, when these cars are obtained secondhand or if hired or on loan, you my never see a handbook and might never be told what the limits are.

I know it would be a massive task to stamp all vehicles already out there on the road, but I do think it would not be that difficult to get manufacturers to stamp it on new vehicles of the present day and those in future production, and thinking more into it now how difficult would it be to have the load limit printed on to a MOT certificate when next tested, or the Registration document V5 when the vehicle changes ownership for them already on the road, it would at least be a way to make owners aware.

I thank you once again for your time, and hope my comments might help in perhaps avoiding accidents that could arise from misuse or ignorance due to lack of knowledge.

Les burrows
Les, what exactly were you trying to achieve by sending this letter?
With MG still working on a solution to the roof rail issue, I think you've been premature.
I think you should have waited until there was an official update from MG.
But what this letter has done is start a shitstorm against the MG5 and MG. One which will not go away if MG later certify the roof rails as good for a certain load. Once the newspapers get hold of a story and sensationalise it (because, of course, they are more interested in making money than telling the truth), there will be no unringing of this bell.
I agree that MG have really dropped the ball if the roof rail is only decorative. But let's get this in to perspective. For many/most people, the roof rails are decorative. I had an Audi a4 Avant with roof rails for years and I never even knew (until recently) that they can be used for carrying loads.
I suspect that most people don't care about using the roof rails (with the help of a statistics expert, I have created three polls to gauge the thoughts of our community so we have a better idea), yet these news stories will likely tarnish the MG5 and possibly the MG brand in peoples' minds.

I will say that if they are decorative only, MG should remove them altogether as they are redundant weight and pointless production cost.
I think that what you have done here is potentially very damaging to the MG5 and the MG brand. I'm not sure it was the fairest thing to do. At least until there has been a definitive statement from MG.
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I think it's a bit harsh to shoot the messenger.

Les may be a tad zealous in his crusade but this is only because of the confusion caused by MG.

At some point the issue would have come to light and surely it's better addressed sooner rather than later.

Could your survey be extended to ask the question 'if non load bearing roof rails are an optional extra would you add them?'
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