Hey Les,
Firstly sincere thanks for taking this forward with MG/DVSA, for the sake of safety and also owners of the MG5. The official line of “decoration only” is a bit of misleading advertising. I wonder the consumer bureau would have something to say about this as well.
I ordered the car back in Oct 20, and one of the many reasons for ordering included the actual practical use of the roof rails for my mountain bike. The brochure I had was the one with the picture of the bike and 50kg weight limit under specification and I got it at the same time as my test drive at the end of Oct 2020.
By the time I picked up my car, the whole fiasco has happened and my dealership did not know what to say other than it’s being looked into and they even think that I will know more before they do. So pretty care-free attitude to be honest. I needed to replace my old discovery and wanted an EV estate, so went ahead with delivery anyway.
My intention for these rails for now is only to carry my mountain bike with a cycle carrier, as I have no other means to carry my bike to the hills, as I have to use my boot for my dogs. As there is no towbar option, it is my ONLY option. Practically speaking, the rails are pretty sturdy to be honest, so I’m confident there are no issues with the weight of my bike - it is clearly at my own risk and I’m only doing local trips anyway. The brochure I will be keeping for a long while, as they haven’t done a recall of the brochure nor the car.... I have legal cover for my car insurance.

PS: In fact, I was one of the first one to highlight the section in the manual “decoration only” in this group as I was reading the digital download version of the manual.
Hi Jonhklee
Ref: your first paragraph. I did approach the ASA a while back see below: I was not highlighting Chorley group specifically but as an example of dealer ship advertising. You can see by their response it appears "no further action" and its now resolved, all face and not teeth"
Complaint 23rd Dec 2020
Complaint received confirmation |
Advertising complaint received |
Ad type:
Brand/product: MG MG5
Date: other
Your complaint:
This car is advertised showing a roof rack with cycle and in the bullet points under the heading "Get more out of your MG5" it states: Roof Rails for additional storage (not that you need it) (Exclusive model)
This can be seen on the Chorley Group advert for the MG5 and also is also seen on other dealer websites and in the MG brochures. The fact is that they are NOT suitable to be used with a roof rack and are not load bearing. This has been discussed on various websites/MG user groups, one of which the above dealership participates in and has confirmed by MG Motors UK.
Attachments (if any):
Their response 5th Feb 2021
Thank you for contacting the ASA about MG Motor.
I understand from your complaint that you consider the ad to be misleading as it shows a roof rack with storage which you understand are not suitable to be used with a roof rack or load bearing.
We have been in contact MG Motor to find out more about the issue you have raised. MG Motor have confirmed that they are yet to definitively confirm the load capability and they are awaiting the final confirmation from durability testing that is still ongoing. They have said that as soon as they were made aware of the issue that they amended all marketing materials and advised all dealers to change it. . Based on their response, we think you have a valid point and we think that the ad is misleading as it would appear that not all of this material was updated. However, they have now confirmed that, after receiving my email, they have advised dealers to change all references, which includes Chorley MG. Based on this, we will now close the complaint.
As we’ve resolved your complaint, basic information including the advertisers’ name and where the ad appeared will be published on our website,
www.asa.org.uk. If the advertisers don’t co-operate with us, we may have to think about other ways to resolve your complaint, including conducting a formal investigation that involves the ASA Council. However, as the issue has now been resolved, we will not need to do this.
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write to us. If you’d like some more information about what we do and the action we’ve taken against advertisers who break the code, please have a look on our website.
Kind regards,
Bianca Scarpati
Senior Complaints Executive
Advertising Standards Authority
Castle House, 37-45 Paul Street
London EC2A 4LS
Telephone 020 7492 2222