MG5 Roof rails decorative only

Hi fluffkin got a reply from China its in the thread SAIC Roewe prices at the moment I have ask Stuart to move it over here if possible
Cheers Les. I had a read.
Wow. Essentially, as I understand it, the original Roewe roof bars weren't load rated. That is something of which MG should have been perfectly aware, yet MG even published publicity material which clearly stated something totally different, not just qualitatively - photos and the like, but quantitively as well - spec data specifically putting the figure of a 50kg rating.

I'm not sure if that counts as actual misrepresentation but it sure sucks harder than a Dyson vacuum.
Cheers Les. I had a read.
Wow. Essentially, as I understand it, the original Roewe roof bars weren't load rated. That is something of which MG should have been perfectly aware, yet MG even published publicity material which clearly stated something totally different, not just qualitatively - photos and the like, but quantitively as well - spec data specifically putting the figure of a 50kg rating.

I'm not sure if that counts as actual misrepresentation but it sure sucks harder than a Dyson vacuum.
Hi mate I’m sure it’s is misrepresentation what gets me is I have been trying to get this information for around 3/4 months about the Roewe found reviews videos and the like, but then the other day came across this guy EricGoa on another thread who lives in China so pleased I was but amazed how he’s not popped up or been notice before now as I would have contacted him much sooner, someone must have known there was a forum member in China for sure.
It does however just goes to prove MG motors are not to believed in anyway shape or form very very poor customer relations and they will come unstuck,
this week I have payed in full for my car on the assurance by the dealer something is being done it’s coming end of month been hanging back for 4/5 months but I should have know better I just don’t can’t understand them any more I will be contacting Which and DVSA again tomorrow with this new information and maybe the ASA as well after that

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Whoe, get ready
Hi mate I’m sure it’s is misrepresentation what gets me is I have been trying to get this information for around 3/4 months about the Roewe found reviews videos and the like, but then the other day came across this guy EricGoa on another thread who lives in China so pleased I was but amazed how he’s not popped up or been notice before now as I would have contacted him much sooner, someone must have known they was a forum member in China for sure.
It does however just goes to prove MG motors are not to believed in anyway shape or form very very poor customer relations and they will come unstuck,
this week I have payed in full for my car on the assurance by the dealer something is being done it’s coming end of month been hanging back for 4/5 months but I should have know better I just don’t can’t understand them any more I will be contacting Which and DVSA again tomorrow with this new information and maybe the ASA as well after that

Whoa, get ready for a refund Les or just maybe a recall ?
Just a point of interest but I'm more concerned about the roof rails ripping off the car due to bad construction than the weight limit, surely the amount of lift under the roof load is the issue. I'm pretty sure my roof box won't fall through the roof but at say 60 mph is it likely to rip the rails off the roof.
Just a point of interest but I'm more concerned about the roof rails ripping off the car due to bad construction than the weight limit, surely the amount of lift under the roof load is the issue. I'm pretty sure my roof box won't fall through the roof but at say 60 mph is it likely to rip the rails off the roof.
Hi no body knows is the answer , because MG will not say why they can’t be used or what the problem is with them ,and you may be right in what you have said so don’t use them is the safest policy until MG say one way or the other.
the other thing is if you did put something on the roof and it came adrift causing an accident or even worse you can bet your life your insurance would be null and void because they are not to be used not worth the risk in my opinion sorry
Hi no body knows is the answer , because MG will not say why they can’t be used or what the problem is with them ,and you may be right in what you have said so don’t use them is the safest policy until MG say one way or the other.
the other thing is if you did put something on the roof and it came adrift causing an accident or even worse you can bet your life your insurance would be null and void because they are not to be used not worth the risk in my opinion sorry
Agreed we simply can't trust them.
Living dangerously MG5.... I have the original MG5 brochure and never read the manual.
View attachment 2570Living dangerously MG5.... I have the original MG5 brochure and never read the manual.
Hi Les Burrows here so Ok jonhklee thank you for posting plus picture and for your honesty about the roof rails, as this is exactly what I been saying for the last 4/5 months to MG motors the DVSA, Which and others, that someone might put something on the roof who my never have read or even seen the owners handbook or its manual your not the first to have done just this
So if I may couple of questions for you ,
You say you have the original MG5 brochure would that be the one with the bike on the roof of a white car on the front cover ?

Was one of the reasons why you bought the car, because of that picture ?

How long have you had the car ?
When was the brochure given to you ,was it when you ordered the car or had a test drive in it, if so around what date was that and was the person who gave you the brochure an MG dealer ?

Have you carried anything on the road with these rails fitted and if so what was it, or what was you intending to carry on the cross rails ?

Once again I thank you for what you have posted this fight over these rails is far from finished and I am still working on it along side the consumer association and the DVSA and I will keep you updated when I know more
Thank you
Ps have a read on this thread post #108 and video in post #198 if you haven’t seen them that is
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Hey Les,
Firstly sincere thanks for taking this forward with MG/DVSA, for the sake of safety and also owners of the MG5. The official line of “decoration only” is a bit of misleading advertising. I wonder the consumer bureau would have something to say about this as well.

I ordered the car back in Oct 20, and one of the many reasons for ordering included the actual practical use of the roof rails for my mountain bike. The brochure I had was the one with the picture of the bike and 50kg weight limit under specification and I got it at the same time as my test drive at the end of Oct 2020.

By the time I picked up my car, the whole fiasco has happened and my dealership did not know what to say other than it’s being looked into and they even think that I will know more before they do. So pretty care-free attitude to be honest. I needed to replace my old discovery and wanted an EV estate, so went ahead with delivery anyway.

My intention for these rails for now is only to carry my mountain bike with a cycle carrier, as I have no other means to carry my bike to the hills, as I have to use my boot for my dogs. As there is no towbar option, it is my ONLY option. Practically speaking, the rails are pretty sturdy to be honest, so I’m confident there are no issues with the weight of my bike - it is clearly at my own risk and I’m only doing local trips anyway. The brochure I will be keeping for a long while, as they haven’t done a recall of the brochure nor the car.... I have legal cover for my car insurance. :)))

PS: In fact, I was one of the first one to highlight the section in the manual “decoration only” in this group as I was reading the digital download version of the manual.
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Hey Les,
Firstly sincere thanks for taking this forward with MG/DVSA, for the sake of safety and also owners of the MG5. The official line of “decoration only” is a bit of misleading advertising. I wonder the consumer bureau would have something to say about this as well.

I ordered the car back in Oct 20, and one of the many reasons for ordering included the actual practical use of the roof rails for my mountain bike. The brochure I had was the one with the picture of the bike and 50kg weight limit under specification and I got it at the same time as my test drive at the end of Oct 2020.

By the time I picked up my car, the whole fiasco has happened and my dealership did not know what to say other than it’s being looked into and they even think that I will know more before they do. So pretty care-free attitude to be honest. I needed to replace my old discovery and wanted an EV estate, so went ahead with delivery anyway.

My intention for these rails for now is only to carry my mountain bike with a cycle carrier, as I have no other means to carry my bike to the hills, as I have to use my boot for my dogs. As there is no towbar option, it is my ONLY option. Practically speaking, the rails are pretty sturdy to be honest, so I’m confident there are no issues with the weight of my bike - it is clearly at my own risk and I’m only doing local trips anyway. The brochure I will be keeping for a long while, as they haven’t done a recall of the brochure nor the car.... I have legal cover for my car insurance. :)))

PS: In fact, I was one of the first one to highlight the section in the manual “decoration only” in this group as I was reading the digital download version of the manual.

Hi jonhlee thank you for your reply and the replies you’ve given to my questions which are all good as most of the answers appear to have happened before I took action on this with MG which was early November the 6th I think is was when I first approached their head office about this issue.
Around that time very few if any dealers knew there was a problem with the rails, but if like you and I did they’d have sat and read the instruction book for the car they would have found out.

I had the same with at lease three MG dealers when I asked them do you know you cant use these rails, no idea what I was talking about and my next question was, well it’s in the handbook have you not read it, the answer I got each time was no, or something like I’ve been selling cars for many years I know everything I need to know about all kinds of cars, well they didn’t on this score, I just hope they may have learnt something from this issue I know if i was in sales I would want to know as much as possible about what I was selling.

So jonhlee as I said I am not giving up yet as it still requires a proper response from MG and maybe a fix if all one is needed, my car arrives today I think but I won’t be using the rails has far as I can see and definitely not until this issue is resolved.

You say you are using them to carry a bike and your right it’s at your risk, but please remember if the rails did come adrift with the bike I’m not sure how it would stand with your insurance company, and also could cause an accident and hurt someone else as well so beware is all I will say.

Not sure if you know this but in the Which article at the bottom under the heading
MG Says you will find MG have said if a 5 owner needs to carry anything on the roof rails they will loan you a ZS as that is able to do so it’s in the thread bottom of page 7 at the bottom of #139 link below that might work if not just look it up

With regard to your first paragraph about the consumer bureau, I’m amazed that somebody like yourself who bought the car before the rail issue was highlighted didn’t demand a refund as in that area the car became not fit for purpose due to misrepresentation in the advertising and brochures.
My complaint as all along been on the grounds of safety as I hadn’t got the car and it was only on order , yes I could have asked for a refund of my deposit and walked away for this car but I have stuck with it with the understanding of my dealer who has been very good in all of this.

So thank you again and when there is any response I will let you and of course the forum know which ever way it goes.
Thanks for the reminder about the ZS EV Les, I might try it out and whether that is true... less
Miles for my car every time I want to go on a road trip!
As for the Legal aspect - the brochure says 50kg limit - thats my understanding and I bought the vehicle on the specification I was given and that’s what I paid for. :) I even have documented proof, it will be MG Motors UK needing to explain if ever there are any confusions in the future.
Thanks for the reminder about the ZS EV Les, I might try it out and whether that is true... less
Miles for my car every time I want to go on a road trip!
As for the Legal aspect - the brochure says 50kg limit - thats my understanding and I bought the vehicle on the specification I was given and that’s what I paid for. :) I even have documented proof, it will be MG Motors UK needing to explain if ever there are any confusions in the future.
The brochure will no doubt have a disclaimer in it that makes this null and void - if you had a copy of the early handbook I’d say you’d be in with a shout but given you’ll have one that correctly states the roof isn’t to be loaded I think you’re on thin ice actually using the roof rails to carry stuff.
Terms and Conditions: Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents
of this publication were accurate and up to date at the time of being published
(September 2020). Please note colours and accessories are for illustrative purposes
only. Colours and finishes replicated are subject to limitations of the printing process
and may vary from actual colour and paint finish. MG Motor UK endorses a policy
of continuous improvement and reserves the right to make changes at any time
without notice to colours, accessories, material, design, shape, specification and
models. Items may be discontinued at any time. Actual UK specification may vary

from vehicles shown. For latest information, please speak to your MG dealer.

From the latest brochure.
Hey Les,
Firstly sincere thanks for taking this forward with MG/DVSA, for the sake of safety and also owners of the MG5. The official line of “decoration only” is a bit of misleading advertising. I wonder the consumer bureau would have something to say about this as well.

I ordered the car back in Oct 20, and one of the many reasons for ordering included the actual practical use of the roof rails for my mountain bike. The brochure I had was the one with the picture of the bike and 50kg weight limit under specification and I got it at the same time as my test drive at the end of Oct 2020.

By the time I picked up my car, the whole fiasco has happened and my dealership did not know what to say other than it’s being looked into and they even think that I will know more before they do. So pretty care-free attitude to be honest. I needed to replace my old discovery and wanted an EV estate, so went ahead with delivery anyway.

My intention for these rails for now is only to carry my mountain bike with a cycle carrier, as I have no other means to carry my bike to the hills, as I have to use my boot for my dogs. As there is no towbar option, it is my ONLY option. Practically speaking, the rails are pretty sturdy to be honest, so I’m confident there are no issues with the weight of my bike - it is clearly at my own risk and I’m only doing local trips anyway. The brochure I will be keeping for a long while, as they haven’t done a recall of the brochure nor the car.... I have legal cover for my car insurance. :)))

PS: In fact, I was one of the first one to highlight the section in the manual “decoration only” in this group as I was reading the digital download version of the manual.
Hi Jonhklee
Ref: your first paragraph. I did approach the ASA a while back see below: I was not highlighting Chorley group specifically but as an example of dealer ship advertising. You can see by their response it appears "no further action" and its now resolved, all face and not teeth"

Complaint 23rd Dec 2020


Complaint received confirmation
Advertising complaint received

Ad type:


Date: other

Your complaint:
This car is advertised showing a roof rack with cycle and in the bullet points under the heading "Get more out of your MG5" it states: Roof Rails for additional storage (not that you need it) (Exclusive model)

This can be seen on the Chorley Group advert for the MG5 and also is also seen on other dealer websites and in the MG brochures. The fact is that they are NOT suitable to be used with a roof rack and are not load bearing. This has been discussed on various websites/MG user groups, one of which the above dealership participates in and has confirmed by MG Motors UK.

Attachments (if any):

Their response 5th Feb 2021

Thank you for contacting the ASA about MG Motor.

I understand from your complaint that you consider the ad to be misleading as it shows a roof rack with storage which you understand are not suitable to be used with a roof rack or load bearing.

We have been in contact MG Motor to find out more about the issue you have raised. MG Motor have confirmed that they are yet to definitively confirm the load capability and they are awaiting the final confirmation from durability testing that is still ongoing. They have said that as soon as they were made aware of the issue that they amended all marketing materials and advised all dealers to change it. . Based on their response, we think you have a valid point and we think that the ad is misleading as it would appear that not all of this material was updated. However, they have now confirmed that, after receiving my email, they have advised dealers to change all references, which includes Chorley MG. Based on this, we will now close the complaint.

As we’ve resolved your complaint, basic information including the advertisers’ name and where the ad appeared will be published on our website, If the advertisers don’t co-operate with us, we may have to think about other ways to resolve your complaint, including conducting a formal investigation that involves the ASA Council. However, as the issue has now been resolved, we will not need to do this.

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write to us. If you’d like some more information about what we do and the action we’ve taken against advertisers who break the code, please have a look on our website.

Kind regards,

Bianca Scarpati

Senior Complaints Executive

Advertising Standards Authority

Castle House, 37-45 Paul Street

London EC2A 4LS

Telephone 020 7492 2222
Two things stand out to me:
from durability testing
We think the ad is misleading
The first one implies the roof rails will be OK for loading but their lifetime loaded is as yet undefined. Given most people will only occasionally be carrying loads - and then only bulky items rather than heavy - careful and thoughtful use will be OK.

The second one is interesting. Who defined the ad and, more importantly, the photo? I doubt it is the dealer as MG would likely have to at least approve publicity materials that direct involved them or they supplied templates for dealers to personalise (dealerise?).

The buck seems to stop on MG / MG UKs doorstep.
Any sign of an official update from MG on this issue?
I doubt there will be. I would hazard a guess MG will go quiet and hope it'll all be forgotten about, especially as the new model (MG5.2 anyone?) Is likely for end 2021 / early 2022.

Mind you, the whole issue means I'll be thinking twice about another MG when the time comes to replace my 5.
Any sign of an official update from MG on this issue?
Hi Alun, no not as yet but I’m expecting something this or next week as my last correspondence with the DVSA was on the 29/03/2021 when I last wrote to their CEO and she replied, saying they would need 10 working days to respond but don’t worry I’m still on it and still trying, Now that I have got the car myself delivered on Wednesday last I have notice a couple of things that I’m amazed no one has commented on with the 5 I will place a post about these later this week with some pictures or videos. Some off which will also be about the rail issue just been a bit tied up this last week or so.
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Hi everyone had my MG5 about a week now. So the roof rails issue which is still under review and investigation by the DVSA and the consumer association hoping for more from them very soon.

So now having got the car I see what may be the problem with the rails and why MG have said they are decorative only and must not be used, which is really bad remembering that in the UK their advertising and brochures showed pictures of cross bars on the rails with a cycle and cycle carriers fitted to the car.

Why they ever expected to get away with the above in the UK is still beyond me, we know thanks to our forum member in China EricGao that the rails on the Roewe i5 are exactly the same, and the Chinese instruction book on page 62 says the same as well, that using the rails may cause an accident.

MG motors must have known this there is no way they could not have, and in my opinion it was done to boost sales trying to hide the fact from us they could not be used and then highlighting you could us them buy showing the cross rails and cycle carriers in their brochures and listing them as accessories and adding a 50kg loading for the rails in the specifications very misleading

Yeh I know some of you will say that’s all been removed now, and MG have now put in their brochures online at lease, the roof rails are decorative only now, and there is a new MG5, the mark 2, on its way and on this you can use the roof rails with 75kg I think I read, and fit a tow-bar as well but the fact remains the first models ( mine included ) are still on our roads and might still be misused by someone, so if anyone from MG is reading this forum I say again

( Fix or remove them ) for the safety of all on our roads.

Here is what I noticed when I had a good look at the rails on my car with a small mirror the picture of the screws is a reflection in the mirror pictures attached A1D63518-07EF-4AE3-BAEB-3004EC228027.jpeg2C809CBA-7DEB-4E50-8DF5-56DACAD4F5EF.jpeg

I’m very surprised that to my knowledge, nobody on this or any other forums as posted anything about these screws as I have here these are holding the rails together there are 2 screws at each joint, where the rail is attached to the roof the foot part fastened to the roof that part seems quite strong but I also think the rails may well be hollow as well.

I’ve looked at many different vehicles with open type roof rails as on the 5 exclusive, but never seen anything quite like these screws at the joints before so maybe this is the reason, there’s not much holding the 3 pieces together I’m not sure if they are a machine screw or a self-tapping screw did try to remove one but I couldn’t, there’s not a lot of room they can’t be more than 4mm in diameter and 12/13 mm long I would think, so MG is that the reason.?
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