Missing your in-car CD player?

Thanks to all three of you. I had no idea you could swipe for more options under the "volume" menu. I have now set the equaliser to "classical" (no idea if that makes any difference, I mean classical string trio or classical Entry of the Gods in to Valhalla?) and the balance to be optimised for the driver and it is just great.
Well, I have a Trophy and tried using a USB stick for the first time yesterday. Soon ran into the "everything in alphabetical order" problem but after seeing @Rolfe 's posts, and following her advice all's now good. I can now see the albums and inside each one I've arranged the tracks in the right order. But....
Has anyone else noticed that the memory stick gets almost too hot to handle after around 30 minutes of use? Mine did!
I haven't noticed that. Are you using a USB A or a USB C? I played mine all the way from just south of Edinburgh to Halifax with no issues, probably five hours total with two half-hour stops.

But as you have a Trophy, yours should be able to read folders. I have read other Trophy owners say that if they tap on "play all" some sort of folder structure menu comes up. The only Trophy I have ever seen was the one I had my test-drive in though, so I've never been in a position to test it.
I was using USB A.

Yes, on the Trophy I do get a folder structure with each artist and album that I can read ok, but I still have to rename the tracks within them, just as you described in iTunes so they are listed, and hence played, in the order that they are on the album.

I have noticed that after a while of playing each track (I haven't timed how long) the title stops scrolling.
Yes, you still have to get the tracks in order within the folders. It would just be nice to have folders to help navigate, also so that less unnecessary text appears scrolling at the start of every title. How many layers of folders does the Trophy support? I would like two, but dammit I'd settle even for one.

I have never seen any title stop scrolling, and I have some tracks that are 10 minutes long. It's possible I didn't notice though.

My Golf was able to read iPod playlists which saved a hell of a lot of trouble I have to say. It just took an age of random button-pressing to get it to find playlists, all the while listening to some random track that happened to begin with the word "Aber".
Well, the layers I have so far are: Playlist > Group/Artist > Album > Tracks. I haven't tried adding another layer, such as Genre yet, although I may try to see if it's possible.

As you say, even on the Trophy, as soon as I choose USB music, it immediately starts playing the first track beginning with A on the USB stick, until I poke the Play All message when it'll change to the list of albums, still playing the first song until I choose the album I want.

I think I'll do what has been suggested before, and add a silent track called AAAAAA_01.mp3!

Have you noticed the other directories that the car adds onto the USB stick? I have a directory (folder) called Android, which contains a directory called data which in turn holds whole load of other directories, such as (and intriguingly) "com.abupdate.ota" and "com.telenav.app.arp" for example.
I don't see any of these directories on my USB stick. Of course, since the SE doesn't seem to know what a directory is, then perhaps that's why.

I honestly think this is a bug. I can't imagine they thought, let's make playing music a hideous pain for people who were too cheap to cough up for the leather seats and the spoiler!

I think I could manage with two directory layers. One for the composer, and the other for the work in question. I would, however, quite like it to stop playing once it gets to the end of a work. This might be possible with the work in its own folder, but obviously it doesn't happen when it's all one big happy family. So I'm happily basking in the end of the Brahms Requiem and the car is going to give me the beginning of Elgar's Apostles, whether I like it or not!

I'm not sure if the silent track idea is working. A couple of times recently I must have done something stupid and the USB stick started again from the beginning, but I didn't notice until I heard the first music track. Either I didn't notice 4 minutes 33 seconds of silence, or the MG4 has decided that since it can't detect anything on the track, John Cage can go hang!


There is an issue with this. The Brahms Requiem is one of the pieces of music where, if I hear the start, I can't stop it playing. (The other real killer in that respect is Parsifal, but that's a long way down the list.) I need to stop that first track playing! Unless I've actually decided to listen to it, that is. I suppose if it is skipping silence it might be possible to record something like a clock ticking softly.

By the way, I'm using the USB C socket for the music so I can keep the USB A socket for my phone. I haven't noticed anything heating up, although I haven't specifically checked.
What I regret is, whilst you can use the RH toggle on the Trophy for volume control and change track (next/previous) you can't scroll through he album list to select a specific album, you still have to sweep up and down and prod to select.

I haven't tried USB C as my memory stick is USB A and I didn't want to use a USB A to C lead. As they're cheap enough, I might just splash out and buy a USB C memory stick I suppose. That would also then free up USB A for my phone to use Android Auto.
That's what I did, on the advice of a member I was having a DM conversation with. Well worth it.Nifty wee things. I got three to get free postage from Amazon!

I always decide what I'm going to listen to at the start of a journey and then just let it run. If it gets to the end before I do, or before I've made a stop, I'll probably see what's on the radio. But I usually choose at least partly based on how long the work is and how long the journey is.

Before I got the MG4 I was listening to CDs of Wagner's Ring more or less on a continuous loop, because I'm trying to write a book about it (did I mention displacement activity on the forum?) and the first thing I did was transfer that CD set to the USB stick. I'm very pleased with the way it plays, and I haven't upgraded any speakers. The absence of ICE noise makes a lot of difference. I've transferred a whole lot of other stuff that I could listen to, but I still tend to let the stick run on the Ring. (It is well over 14 hours of music.) I did a set of CDs of Lohengrin I'd forgotten I had, but liked a section that was played on the radio recently so thought I'd listen to that, but I was disappointed. Since most other things are fine I'm inclined to wonder about the quality of the original discs.
Just as an addendum to this discussion, I can confirm that, in the Trophy at least, you can add layers of folders. I tried adding different folders for each genre of music, pop, rock, classical, new age etc and moved each album folder to it's respective genre folder. The car was quite happy with that, it just makes it more long winded to find the music you want though!

Let's see, I want to play Jean Michel Jarre's Aero, so let me think :unsure: ah, yes press "play all" to get to "play list" then select, hmmm was it listed under "Rock" or "New Age"? Ah, yes "New Age", then press "Aero" then a particular track.

Phew, nah, too much effort. Let's have the radio on instead......oh, DAB won't work ?. Let's drive in silence then......:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Yeah, I was thinking that two directory layers would be enough to make things reasonably organised without having to delve deeply through the trees to find what I wanted. If only!

DAB doesn't work here for me because as far as I can tell there is no DAB reception. It works fine other places. FM works absolutely fine though, so what's the problem?
My folder structures (on my PC, under my Music folder) are Artist > Album ( > Disc if needed ). So if I wanted to play Jean Michel Jarre's Aero (not that I have it) I would look for, erm, Jean Michel Jarre and then Aero. ?
I think different sorts of music lend themselves to different filing systems. Mostly I start with the name of the composer, in alphabetical order, and my CDs are arranged that way, but that seriously falls down with compilation CDs involving music by several different composers.
Omg, I hope you typed that on a computer ? that's just too much work for me, I won't have the patience to rename 1200 tracks?

Of course I typed it on a computer! I'm saving the file for my own use. It took me several days and quite a few wrong turnings before I got it sussed, I'm not risking forgetting.


Very late to this but just to add there are utilities that you can use to bulk rename files and serialise them.
I occasionally need to do this and use a freebie called....'Renamer'.... There are others but that is my preferred and that is for Windows OS but I'm sure there will be others for Mac, Linux.
Very late to this but just to add there are utilities that you can use to bulk rename files and serialise them.
I occasionally need to do this and use a freebie called....'Renamer'.... There are others but that is my preferred and that is for Windows OS but I'm sure there will be others for Mac, Linux.
Thanks I'll have a look for it? still think MG should just sort it if it works on Trophy it should work for all??
Not having CDs in the car is great! Messing about changing them around in your changer and them getting scratched in the glove box! Spotify and Deezer are hassle free and it's perfect just asking Google to play a song!! I've got a massive collection of vinyl at home and all I do now is make different playlists! Yes it costs money but it like 2 cups of coffee!!

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