Well back home again:
Wetherby - 130 miles arrived with 30+%. Having used many a charger this must be the easiest - just plug in, use your touchless phone or card and it fired off 130 + - really impressed by the time we had walked the dog, abluted and talked to the next car. Checked and it was at 90 so all done within a short very acceptable timeframe (not sure of speed but vg and again was surprised to see it at 90 - didn't want to dabble with too many settings as more intent on speed). Next onto the Tesla Supercharger in Northumberland. My phone had run out of data so had to wait for wife to download app, change password, unit had no number on it and the instruction QR was hidden by tape holding the box together. Once we had got ourselves sorted things were easy and soon chugging away above 100. By the time we hit just over 80% speed dropped to 35% - moved on to Scotland so would need to charge there. Made Edinburgh by 12 so 7 hours which is good going on the east coast with 45% left (Edinburgh by pass horrendous).
Next day easiest option was to use BP Pulse chargers as had card from previous job and some money on my BP rewards, near Forth Bridges. Both out of action and decided I didn't want to phone them and pay 80p per unit. Searched for chargers on route so found a Charge Place Scotland charger at 60p in Tranent. Car had dropped down to 18 by arrival charging at 50. Gave us time to visit local Asda and buy something better than motorway food. Back down to Tesla and this time it was not playing but managed to get going after 5 minutes - we were in 3rd slot of 6 and by the time we had finished (only 20 min or so) there were 4 cars waiting. Took it to 85% for some slack.
On the way to Wetherby, I showed the wife how to use the App to schedule a charge - of course that reset the max charge to 80 and we did not realise that when it hit 80% later the charging would stop. Only issue with Wetherby was 10 of the 12 fast chargers were busy and the one we chose was broken but it quickly came up with a warning that the matter had been reported. Cars both sides then left. Again the simplicity of plugging in and waving your card; quick turnover and number of charges make the charges bearable if going long distance. Duly stopped at 80 which got us home with some slow moving traffic helping our performance.
Certainly happy with Wetherby but the A1 past Scotch Corner always is slowed round Newcastle then sporadic dual carriageway and the dreaded Edinburgh by pass means that I will look towards the west coast via A66, M6 and M74 - something 100+ - (although 50+ would do if taking lunch) somewhere between 130- 150 miles further on .
Tallking to people at the chargers:
2008 owner -poor woman was wanting her Kuga back as she was doing a tour down south and realised she would need 4 or 5 charges which her Kuga could do in 1. DId not budge until she hit 100%
Tesla owner - said he liked the blue colour - his was white, he was laughing and telling me the standard colour on his model was now grey.
Jag owner at Wetherby was uncertain of the download speed I showed him mine at 134 and he said he had been looking in the wrong place - he returned to his car and I asked him what his speed was 'Jags do not go over 100'.
Car drove well although some poor roads were making it unhappy (minor undulations)
ACC - certainly is not VAG standard so you have to read manual to see where it will react poorly.
Traffic Jam control had the car rolling back when on a hill and in D - need to read up on that as well.
One pedal - I find that in town (as opposed to city) that I do not need this as some creep suits and one pedal is too abrupt so was surprised that a Waze cross country detour gave me a chance to use one pedal and it was very effective bringing the speed down for corners to let the rear wheel drive kick you through from the apex- nice - now like.
Overall very happy with the comfort and behaviour of the car. Think I would be hacked off as a Tesla owner with other makes of car charging at their superchargers.