Yeah - I am a regular visitor to the Monday night pod cast, it’s great source of info
@Gomev thank you !.
If I remember correctly, Miles did say that Demo models of the ZS EV facelift are due to arrive at the dealerships, on or around the 26th November time ????.
MG are offering a £750 voucher for anybody who takes a test drive in a ZS EV / MG5 / HS PHEV.
BUT - You have to take delivery of your new car BEFORE the end of 2020 !.
I can see that this gives MG some indication scale of intended interest in the cars going forward, but pulling off a significant number of sales AND deliveries before Christmas is very unlikely considering that stock levels are either small or non existent yet !.
It appears to be a strange step, other than to gauge interest, unless I have missed something here folks, what are your opinions ?.
Of course we have no idea of just how many face lift models are on this first consignment, plus any other models of course ?.
So, if you consider that there are 100 plus dealerships in the U.K. and they will ALL be screaming ? for a Demo car, then how many cars are remaining to dish out to customers by the end of December ?.
Let’s just assume ( the killer of all ) for a brief minute, that your local dealer gets his Demo on / by the 26th Nov.
Then, you are lucky to get a test drive the following day on the 27th ( very unlikely, but we are just playing here ).
You approve of what you see and work on a deal, this could take a bit of “backwards and forwards” ( as it normally does ) and now we are at the 30th of November.
That is giving roughly 30 days to sort out all the details, then get the correct trim type / model type and required colour, into the dealers.
Then get it out through the door before the dead line of the 30th Dec 2020.
Not impossible, but with all things considered, I think that is a bit of a squeeze to say the least !.
My guess would be, that if you had paid a deposit and MG where unable to deliver the car by the end of 2020 then they SHOULD still honour that commitment of the voucher in my opinion.
There is going to be a price increase in Jan 2022 so again, that is another issue worth considering.
I did ask this question to Miles in the podcast, he did say that he thought that MG would factor in the price increase into the price announcement on the 1st November.
But again, this is a best guess.
We also have the up and coming budget / Gov grant changes maybe / COP 26 submit etc.
A lot of huddles to jump in a small time frame I think ?.