So, this may well be one of the last updates for this entire disaster.
Apologies in advance for the quality of the pics, but as anyone using AC knows, they send a link to a video for their reports, and you don't get to go back and view it again, so I've taken to recording the videos on another phone.
Just over a week ago, I got assistance from the AA through MG Assist (and I can't sing their praises highly enough, given all the times they've been called out. They're the only ones who've given decent service over the piece) to move the car from AC Rutherglen to AC Bishopbriggs. First off, the 12V battery was completely dead, despite them fitting a new 12V when they finally got their finger out to read the fault codes. AA got it powered up, and we headed to its new home. It failed 3 times on the trip, and arrived on the end of the towing pole.
Today, I recieved the phone call.
Let's start with the small stuff.
Rear wiper motor is faulty...that's not a warranty item.
The front balljoint that was spotted at the MOT in AC Linwood prior to it turning 3, has play in it. But since Linwood sat on their hands and did sod all, yup, that's out of warranty.
The brakes are scrap. All 4 disks are shot after 7 months of not turning a wheel. And the rear pads are almost non-existent (fronts 8mm, rears 2mm)...which does beg the question, what exactly was happening at all those services at Linwood, because I'm pretty sure I never drove with the handbrake on for the few months I was able to drive it after it's last service. Oh yeah, and they're not a warranty item.
And now the biggie.
In front of the battery, there's a plastic cover. It's not particularly exposed, it's nestled in a gap in the chassis, and it covers the front end of the battery unit... or it did, once.
There's a big bit missing, which they're saying is allowing water into the vents, and knackering the battery.
Of course, they're only guessing that's the problem, so they need to drop the battery, to check if this is the cause. If it's not, then it MIGHT be covered under the warranty.
And here's the kicker. To take the battery out to check. Not to fix it, just to check it, will be... drumroll...
£1500, or thereabouts.
With no choice but to approve them checking it, I'm now dreading what they find. With the trade in value of a working one hovering around the 10k mark, a knackered battery could be enough to send it to the scrapper. For a car less than 4 years old, and which I've owned around 44 months and which has spent a total of (currently) 352 days sitting in AC or MG garages waiting to be fixed. But let's at least give thanks for the 2 weeks of hire car use I got out of that year...
And the final irony. That piece of plastic? £85. An £85 part of currently unknown resilience could be scrapping a sub 4 year old car.
Good times.