I live on the Fylde Coast and changed over to Octopus Energy in January of this year hoping to move onto their "Go Faster" Tariff for overnight charging for 5 hours at 0.055p per kWh and day rate at 0.1399p per kWh.
Some of you may recall my previous posting where I mentioned they installed new SMETS2 Meters back in March which simply haven't been able to communicate since and have worked as dumb meters, so was not able to take advantage of the "GO" or "GO FASTER" Tariffs.
The current price I am paying is their Standard Tariff at 0.1599p per kWh for all units, which can add up saying we have two electric vehicles in the household.
OCTOPUS blamed the connection problem on the lack of signal in our area which turned out to be sheer "Bullsh*t" as I managed to speak to a technical person at the Government Run DCC (Direct Communication Company) who are responsible for supplying the communication or "HAN" between the meters in the home and the Energy Supplier in this case OCTOPUS ENERGY.
The problem we eventually found was that the meters had not been commissioned correctly back in March by the original installer and where not connected to the hub, Octopus didn't follow correct procedures of raising Incident Reports to the DCC and simply didn't connect everything correctly.
Now we are 9 months on and after hours of "ping ponging" emails between the DCC and OCTOPUS ENERGY and our MP, everything is finally up and running and communication at long last with the meters has been established, there was a good signal in the area all the time according to the DCC Technical people, the problem was purely down to OCTOPUS ENERGIES so called Technical people not not wanting to know what was the true cause of the problem.
Now Octopus have offered to change us over from the Standard Tariff to Octopus "GO", BUT the price has now gone up! there evidently is no more "GO FASTER" Tariff and the "GO" Tariff only offers an overnight charging for 4 hours at 0.05p per kWh.
The day rate has now changed from the original 0.1399 per kWh up to 0.24p per kWh which means there is no advantage at all changing over from our current fixed Standard Tariff of 0.1599p per kWh.
I know price rises are on the way, but currently "OCTOPUS GO" EV Charging has become an expensive option.
If OCTOPUS claim your meters can't communicate after installation and their excuse is like ours "they have exhausted all options" persevere and get in touch with the DCC to check the signal for your area as this may be an installation error NOT the DCC Signalling at all.
Andy (Blackpool)