Carlops does have pavements, and quite a lot of the houses have narrow front gardens, but it's still very unpleasant walking along the pavements or stopping to chat to someone in their garden with HGVs thundering past only feet away. Strangely, it seems to me that the 20 mph limit is being better observed than the previous 30 mph one was.
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I think drivers are now beginning to realise that while they are indeed driving on the A702 trunk road, it's also a village street where people live and walk and talk. There's no inherent reason why the desire of drivers to get on their way to Edinburgh or London should trump the desire of the people who live there to have a decent life.
Dual carriageways? I don't know the details, but that seems absolutely senseless on the face of it. I don't know of any dual carriageway that has a 20 mph limit round here.