In my secondary school, we had a deputy head teacher that was an absolute maniac with the cane. Caning was done on the stage in front of the whole school during morning assembly. I witnessed the 'hardest' of the bullies crack up under his brutal punishment. That said, the whole school was very well behaved, walking in single file and silence in corridors etc.
He left and went to University for 2 years, the whole school went downhill so fast it was incredible, it was a scary place to go every day.
He returned after 2 years and those of us who knew him instantly snapped back into the regimented behaviour, the two new year sets that didnt know him carried on shouting and balling in the corridors, running along etc, the general mayhem.
It took less than a week of his return for the school to return to the orderly behaviour, there were probably 30 canings in that week and then everything was back to his normal and just the odd caning every now and then.
I worked in an I.T. academy for 10 years with 11 to 16 year olds, their behaviour was horrendous and there was absolutely nothing teachers could do other than try to carry on teaching. I had my arm and two fingers broken by students in this establishment when I broke up fights. On the last occasion I'd stopped the fight, got two fingers broken and went to the head teacher to tell her what had just happened, she told me one the lads had reported me and she was therefore suspending me immediately.
I drove to hospital where it was confirmed my fingers were broken, they were strapped up and I went home. 28 days it took for them to contact me, no apology, no explanation and the lad had been at school all the time I was off.
I stayed off for a further 2 months in protest.
People say corporal punishment doesn't work, I can assure you from my experience it most certainly does. I wouldn't like the idea of my kids being caned but I don't like the idea of them in the current school environments with total lack of discipline.
Apologies for the thread drift here.