Finally got my rear springs replaced under warranty, a year after they were found to be broken!
There's a bit of a story to this.
At the first service last September, they found both rear springs were broken, so they ordered the parts and waited for them to arrive. A week later, a woman in a Mitsubishi "Monster Truck" went into the back of the car (her foot slipped apparently).
Whilst the car was in for repairs, Howards MG phoned to say the parts had arrived. I explained the situation and wondered if the springs could be fitted at the repair garage. Good idea, I'll get it arranged.
At the second service in September, they found the rear springs were broken. "What again?". If this was going to keep happening, then I was getting rid.
Howards no longer have the franchise for MG, but I emailed them anyway just in case someone remembered. Fortunately, the woman who responded to my email was the woman who had arranged for Motorbodies to fit the springs. She told me that Motorbodies had not returned her final call.
I called into Motorbodies, and they looked at the job sheet, and guess what . . . no rear springs were fitted by them.
I wnt back to Drive MG and explained that it was an outstanding warranty repair from 12 months ago, and they agreed to do the work under warranty. Phew.
What a complete mess up !.
I am little surprised that motorbodies agreed to take on replacing the rear springs in the first place TBH - given that they likely have enough bodywork to do ?.
Even if they both work under the same roof, the body shop and the service department are run as two completely different entities.
If one caries out work for the other, it’s not uncommon for them to charge each other for their services.
It has this been this way now for many many years.
The same applies to the car sales department.
This is how things get missed, once the work has been passed over, the previous department wipes their hands of it !.
There is very little joined up thinking under the same company or even the same roof on times.
Assume nothing, check everything is the order of the day.
If you place 100% of your trust here, then you are likely to be let down.
Had you been paying for the work to be done, I have absolutely no doubt at all that the work would have been done, but because it was a warranty job, it then becomes a game of “Pass The Parcel ?”.
A bit concerning that you were driving around with two broken road springs for all of that time.
A certain MOT failure that’s 100% for sure.