That's all absolutely true. I didn't join because I had a problem either, I joined because I was scheduled to pick my car up in three days and thought I'd better get an education. I admit I also felt what
@L33th4ll has been feeling. OMG oil leak! Undertray! Locking-in issue! Dealers being absolute morons! LKA! And so on.
But at that time the car was in a class of its own as regards bang for your buck. It was literally the only EV available that was within my budget, by £10,000, and on the face of it, it was exactly what I wanted. And the reviewers were pretty positive. And it drove like a dream on my test drive. I took a deep breath and decided I was sticking to my decision. What other choice did I have, really? And people like
@siteguru reassured me.
I thought there were three possible outcomes. The car could be an absolute turkey and I'd have to get rid of it and swallow the loss. (Though goodness knows what I'd have changed it for. A second-hand ICE?) Or I might really like it and decide to keep it till it rusts under me. Or the development of new EVs might produce something so spectacularly desirable that I'd want to trade it in for that reason, again swallowing a loss.
Well, the first one is a boat that has long since sailed. I'm currently on the second scenario, and a very happy bunny except that I never want to see my dealership again. Who knows, about the third one? All sorts of wonders promised by the clairvoyant gurus. But whatever spiffy new tech appears, it seems to me that I have a good car that I'm happy with and have no reason to want to change.
I'm glad I didn't listen to that little inner voice when I first joined the forum. I would say, however, that the bulk of the software issues seem to be related to the Trophy - probably inevitably given all the extra features it has - and the SE's annoying little issues were at least constant and predictable (and nearly all fixed with R33). So someone considering a Trophy who is concerned about software issues needs to read the Trophy threads on that.
But as regards paintwork and seats? Most people are not reporting paintwork issues and the one or two who are seem to have received substandard cars in that respect. And there are some really nice seat covers on AliExpress.