This has been a spectacular success, apart from the midges, and the fact that I couldn't sleep!
The VtL worked perfectly to inflate the air mattress. It fitted along the load bed perfectly. My sleeping bag was comfortable and even with just my toes touching the tailgate there were still several inches between my head and the back of the seat. (5' 7", 170 cm.)
The HVAC stayed on all night, no fuss. It must be the locking from inside that's the key. Thank you Bjorn. Temperature perfect, and I could feel the gentle stream of fresh air wafting over me. Easy to change the temperature or fan just by leaning forward to use the touch screen. No condensation at all inside the car.
The magnetic curtains on windows and DRLs worked a treat, although since I was completely alone they were optional. I didn't bother with the windscreen as the car was parked nose in to the trees, and in the end I put that curtain over the screens and the central console. They weren't that bright but it was better. I did notice the wee green light but it's tiny and you could put tape over it if need be.
Sleeping arrangements.
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The air mattress wasn't at nearly the sort of slope it seems to be in the picture. I did have a tendency to slide a bit towards the tail gate but I think that was more to do with the backs of the seats not being entirely flat than the foot end of the mattress not being high enough. (SE, no false floor.) Having the table and chair under there seemed to be enough. It wasn't an issue.
I think I couldn't sleep just because it was so strange. Also, I feel quite chipper now so I suspect I slept more than I realised. I had a lie in till just after nine, partly to get a bit more sleep and partly in the hope the dawn midges would go. Some hope.
So there I was, fortunately having done the really personal bits but actually in the middle of putting my bra on when a cyclist, male of course, pedalled into the car park. The owner of the white van. Goodness knows where he had been all night. I should have got up ten minutes sooner. But by the time he had fiddled around and got his bike into his van I was dressed and washed and decent and having breakfast, and we exchanged cheery waves as he drove off.
VtL heated water to wash with then for a nice cup of tea with breakfast. This is such a great spot I might just brave the midges and come back tonight.
View from my window. (Actually the stars were amazing in the middle of the night. Beautiful view of the Milky Way.)
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En suite facilities.
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Breakfast room.
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This was the view about 100 yards further along the road.
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I was in the car park for over fifteen hours with the car on virtually the entire time, and used 16% charge, from 91% down to 75%. Currently driving the Loch Arkaig road at about the speed of a good cyclist, so I have plenty charge.