That is 123mV moment of finish charging or charging and balancing?
That is, exactly when it hits100% or a time period after when balancing is complete?
Your balancing method seems to be working well.
I googled your model an it appears LiFe blade batteries max cutoff is 3.8V as opposed 3.65V for the MG. And maybe my car does not reach first parameter for stopping charging and using BMS max cell voltage as trigger to trickle charge simultaneously with balancing.
I regard the bench mark delta to be when vehicle is at rest with no load or only very small load so results can be standardised. I assume Atto 3 balancing starts at 100% like MG4?
What I understand you to say is when you hit 100% your delta (previous to your new balance method) was 250 to 360mV now is only 123mV before balancing! If so, that is a excellent result and what I was trying to do.

Even the cells out!!
You also say the best way to balance is driving the car and then delta drop REAL quick to delta < 20mV (no load) Totally agree!!
I have a 1000' hill close by so I can blow off the delta real quick but have to turn regen off on way down and use the brakes which I do not like. Then I could do repetitive charges to bring bottom cells up.
Max 10mins after reaching 99% then jumps to 100% immediately and approx 5-10mins of relay clicking in back with power from AC going from 0 to 1.8 kW