Established Member
Hi @RichDragon ,Very interesting thread. I had a 7.1 Kw solar system installed back in late 2021 and the Tesla 2 battery is just about to be installed. I also have a Trophy MG4 and always like it to be charged to maximum 100%. The battery balancing occurs randomly about 1 in 5 charges. I had to join British Gas when I moved to this new home and the DNO limits the amount of solar power we are allowed to generate, think it's (inverter) is throttled back to around 5kw. I keep an eye on Octopus tariffs but as I am retired the car is usually connected to my Zappi 2 and sunshine ??? powers the battery, even though it still takes.from the mains electricity partly even on eco ++ setting. If you've got any spare cash I would definitely recommend installing renewables. I explained to the family it's like buying your electricity in advance and then the war started and I feel for anyone paying "normal leccie bills". I only use the gas boiler when family calls as I use various electric fires connected to smart plugs and my favourite is the electric blanket. Oops sorry us oldies like to prattle on!
Not sure if you’re aware, but there is a setting on the Zappi 2, Minimum Green Level, whereby you can use virtually no grid power at all, see my attachment.
Apologies if you already knew this. Just started using the Zappi this week after getting my car recently and am trying to find the very best way to use my solar and battery, and came across this bit of information.
I got caught by this too on my time charging ? Turned off and been fine ever since.This thread is great. I have solar and givenergy inverter and zappi. Twice now when I have set zappi to eco++ it has charged well with excess solar during the day, but at midnight it switches to charging from the grid until full. Any ideas what I am getting wrong there, as would love to leave the car plugged in for it to get excess solar and forget about it.