Any updates on this?
Hi, sorry, i've been away for some time...
yes i finished the upgrade, with new speakers front and rear.
the fronts got clearer / more controlled, but bass wise it's a tie. in the rear the difference is much bigger, as the rear speakers are really bad.
i decided on HERTZ speakers after trying 4 brands.
it's possible to reuse the speaker chassis in all doors, with a little DIY craftmanship. the rears is a bit challenging, but clearly worth it.
original fronts is 6.5" and rears 5.25" , but they have made room for 6.5 in the rear, so i did that.
fronts is Hertz Cento CK165 , rears is Hertz Cento CX165
i also tried
Hertz Dieci DSK 165.3 &
Hertz Dieci DCX 165.3 which is fine as well, cheaper but still ok, just not as much control as the Cento.
i'm quite surprised with the onboard headunit amp, it's quite powerfull