Some times when I press the start button on my zs mk1 the steering wheel gives quite a severe kick, I wonder if this has any bearing on the steering failure reported above. Universal joints are a pretty robust piece of equipment and should not fail on such a light load of a steering column.
After reading through the steering problem posts and looking at the photos a number of times, I feel there can be one of two faults, or even both faults combined.
In the lower steering column they’re clear evidence of at least one the bearing cup(s) in UJ joint failing.
The bearing cups are held in place in the UJ yoke, by a closing crimp on each of the eight points.
These don’t appear to have failed, because the crimps are still evident, but the bearing cup has shattered.
This is very unusual for this to happen on a car so young.
Why is it happening I guess is the 99 dollar question ?.
Is it poor quality materials, is it happening when the UJ’s are being assembled into the steering coupling, at the crimping stage maybe ??.
I don’t feel it is happening at the assembly stage for some reason.
The second problem people complain about is a knocking / rattling sound that can be felt through the steering column, sometimes when passing over a small pot hole or rough tarmac surface.
In my opinion this is most common complaint by many owners and that appears to be emanating from upper steering column area.
The upper inner and outer steering columns are usually separated by an upper and lower bushes.
Given the close tolerances, these bushes are made from a nylon material / plastic material.
A few owners have had the UJ replaced, only then to find the steering rattle is still a problem.
Then the complete steering column assembly is replaced, when it is likely it’s only the bushes that need replacing, but nobody strips and repairs anything anymore of course ?.
The manual clamping arrangement for the driver, at the top of the column has proved to be an issue on some cars.
None of these items should be failing on these cars at such an early stage in their lives.
The problem is not being investigated, it’s just a replacement action.
This way it’s in a continuous loop !.