I have a neighbour who is Anti-Everything and he keeps asking when my EV will catch fire and I how it was a bad financial decision for me to buy Solar Panels etc etc.
He then goes and sulks when I tell him I have saved £100's on Energy and £100's on free charging for the EV because of these silly solar panels over the last few months where as he is paying £250 a month for electricity and £200 a month of Petrol.
I have meet so many people of which about 80% ask questions about the Solar Panels and EV and are impressed, then the others spell doom and gloom for me and never in a hundred years will you catch them using any thing like this.... I suppose they all said the same when television was invented, then also the same when colour TV became prevalent. Their grandparents were also the same ones proclaiming the invention of the Steam Train would suffocate anybody who rode in one and swore blind they would never take Mr Fleming's Penicillin as it was a way to control the population.
On a side note, a person at work 12 years ago got cancer, it was possibly curable but she had to do Chemo however her husband (A NON-BELIEVER IN MEDICINE) said he could heal her as he was a spiritual healer and 3 months later she died and he felt so bad; not because she died, but because his spiritual healing did not work... Dumbass