For those interested in my voltage drop.
I have a 40a contacter now setup to power up the charger on our cheap electric, I also rigged logging at the Pole, however I'll move that inside the property in due course. The property logger is a PZEM-004T and temporary lashed into our meter box on the pole, I'll move that before the meter reader comes round in a few weeks. The House one is a Shelly EM with a 120a clamp on the feed to the house. So using different systems, there likely to be some small discrepancies, like at the start of the graph where the house is higher voltage.
The voltage drop between the pole and the house, is approx 8v, which is well within my 10v estimate. And the main voltage drop is seen at the pole as well, so I'm probably dropping the voltage for any of the village on the same phase as well

Our Electric, comes from an overhead cable, down the pole to our meter box, then back up the pole, overhead into one of our out building, then underground, to the house, This is estimated at a total of 40m, the charger is another 15m from this, so my 10v drop estimate is probably about right for the charger. All this cable from the main overhead cable to the house has be renewed by us/local electrician (He had to do main overhead cable-meter box-outbuilding), so is known to be decent standard. Unlike some of the outbuilding, that would probably spontanously combust if I put 32a through them.
Other points of interest, the Spike just before 14:00 is the car been plugged in before I setup the timing on the contacter, and the solid block between 2am and 4am is our water heater that comes on, gets water up to temperature, then flicks on and off, until it's timer finishes.
Be aware all this is in Bulgaria, so don't expect the same system as you would see in the UK.