Some interesting thoughts about chargers and shopping centres from Alan Kohler, a leading Australian financial commentator:
“An interesting set of renewable energy players could be shopping centres. Last week I spoke to Tim Washington, founder and CEO of a private business called JetCharge, which builds and operates electric vehicle charging stations. He’s got 22 Charge Fox stations between Adelaide and Brisbane, but also looks after charging stations in car parks and homes.
He told me something I didn’t know: that a car battery could power a home for three days, and soon car batteries will be two-way – that is, as well as taking electricity in and storing it, they’ll be able to discharge it.
Tim said he thought shopping centres could become the largest electricity retailers in the country, selling cheap power to cars in their car parks – or possibly even giving it away to attract customers to the shops – and then we drive home and use the car to power the house from the car.
After all, shopping centres have a lot of buying power because of all the electricity needed to light the shops and they also have a lot of roof space for solar panels, so the power would be cheap. This could be the saviour of the malls.
Tim told me that Coles and Woolworths are well advanced in their thinking about this.
As I mentioned in AskAlan the other day, another interesting thing happened this week. I dropped my car off at Audi for a service and was looking at the new “e-tron” electric cars in the showroom (they’re $160k, so out of my league I’m afraid).
Audi are selling these things with six years of free electricity, if you charge the car at their place (it’s a 45-minute charge). You could theoretically always charge it there and never pay for electricity, including what you need for the house.
These are big changes – a revolution - and an unpredictable one at that.”
(from The Eureka Report, Edition 6, Feb 13. 2021)
Exciting times!! I’ve visited 2 newish supermarket developments in Melbourne, both with about 6 EV chargers in their carparks. Happy to pay if I need to top up especially if I’m doing shopping at the same time-it’s called Multitasking?