Lease companies are placing their orders via a MG main dealer some where around the U.K.
They have ordered in big numbers and therefore received a good discount on these orders.
Of course as a dealer, it's always great to receive a big order from a lease company, but as demand has out stripped the supply, the general shortage of new cars, has affected the main dealers badly.
Main dealers are feeding sparingly on the very few cars that MG are able to supply.
High demand is brilliant, but if you can not turn these orders into cash, then it's useless having the orders in the first place !.
I know I am repeating myself ( sorry folks ) but dealers are prioritising there OWN main dealer customer orders FIRST.
Not what lease company customers like Vanarama want's to hear, but that is truthfully how I see it.
Dealers are not going to supply high demand stock items to lease companies, to watch them make the profit that THEY should be making themselves.
Until the supply increases drastically, I can not see lease companies receiving cars in any serious numbers at all.
I offered the same theory to the forum a few months ago and Miles posted back with a

So, at least somebody agrees with my theory anyway ?
