I'm a bit confused with this new contract, So what are there options if if you don't sign.
If only a 10th of the current orders cancel that's a ~£14k direct loss for them (£40k if you look at the full price).
Legally, and arguably morally, you're not entitled to a free charger no matter how sad the whole thing has made you.
Well, Vanarama seem to have lost there morality compass, So they can't expect me or others to follow ours, And I don't want a free charger with nothing to plug into it, They can come and take it back, But as I and others have said it hasn't always been free when you take into account time and money lost with the installation.
They want us to sign another contract to say we will pay an extra 60 quid say, If we sign that they will chase us to the ends of the earth to get there money every month, Don't pay and there be on us waving the contract under our noses, Yet they seem to think it's OK to disregard the contract we have already signed because it doesn't suit them.
I'm not signing, I have a contract with Vanarama to supply an MGZS EV LR, I'll just ignore it and go on with my life, This is there mess to sort out and not mine, I'll just wait as long as it takes, What exactly can they do, Cancel it and I keep the charger, Cancel it and come and get there charger and make right my wall, Deliver the car and beat me with a garden hose till sign the new contract, The more I think about it there is absolutely nothing they can do, They have to swallow the loss on the charger or the loss on the car, Balls in there court.