This definitely smacks of dealer orders taking priority over fleet orders.
I have been saying this for months now.
Dealers struggling for availability on cars are going to prioritise their own customers orders first.
They are NOT going to feed cars to fleet / lease companies until the supply of cars increases drastically.
Dealer sales figures are well down with regards to what they thought they would be achieving even six months ago.
They have the orders, but not the cars !.
When the through put increases ( bit god knows when that will be ) the price of second hand cars will start to drop.
I watched a video by EVM last week ( I posted it here on the forum ) who says the supply of new cars, but mainly EV’s it is getting worse and not any better !.
Also, sit tight if you already have an order placed.
Do not move to another brand, unless you can psychically see the car at another dealer.
They are all in the same boat !.