It's a bit dark chaps so apologies and no sympathy required but I bought one of these this week.
Ive read somewhere on here about the possibility of being locked in the car, then remembered my mum and stepfather who crashed into a canal and both lost their lives.
A medical episode was to blame.
I don't have many fears tbh, but being buried alive or being stuck in a tight cave, unable to turn round spring to mind!
I digress.....I thought I'd get one of these to assist in getting out of the car quickly in an emergency if all else failed.
A multitude of situations spring to mind but I have thought about ending up in the water and what I might do to get out.
I've heard all the scenarios, open the window (if it will open?) and swim out once the car fills with water, wait till it fills with water or you won't be able to open the door due to the water pressure etc etc
Anyway, provided your able to, and haven't been knocked out, this tool smashes the glass in an instant and cuts the seat belt in case it won't unbuckle.
They send a 'test' piece of glass for you to try the tool out on.
Very easy and effective.
Apologies for the dark content but I do expect, and look forward to hearing some of the real life experiences from learn-ed members that frequent this forum.
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Edit: I don't know why it's says I earn anything as an associate because I'm not?
Just a customer of 22 years and counting.