Prominent Member
Just come across this thread.
It's Friday, therefore we will be having the same thing we've had every Friday we've been at home for the last 35 years : a mild chicken curry and a bottle of Gallo's White Zinfandel.
Rounds the week off nicely.
To be fair 35 years ago we were drinking red or white. Remember Piat d'Or ( cheap crap made for the masses of the great unwashed ) ? And occasionally even something French ?, but we've settled. Got to be the last 20 years.
It's Friday, therefore we will be having the same thing we've had every Friday we've been at home for the last 35 years : a mild chicken curry and a bottle of Gallo's White Zinfandel.
Rounds the week off nicely.
To be fair 35 years ago we were drinking red or white. Remember Piat d'Or ( cheap crap made for the masses of the great unwashed ) ? And occasionally even something French ?, but we've settled. Got to be the last 20 years.