Established Member
There is probably a very good reason for this and my puny non-technical mind can’t wrap itself around this BUUUUUUUT given a dynamo is just a spinning top with a magnet and copper wire how come there aren’t these things on EV cars to put energy back in to the battery??
Given every car has 4 potential electricity generating wheely thingies spinning around at high speed there must be a very good reason why this isn’t a thing??
Unless I just happen to be the very first person to think of this and now someone is going to steal my idea and make billions from it? ??
Given every car has 4 potential electricity generating wheely thingies spinning around at high speed there must be a very good reason why this isn’t a thing??
Unless I just happen to be the very first person to think of this and now someone is going to steal my idea and make billions from it? ??