As far as I know it is because when you buy with your credit card you normally know what you are going to pay upfront. On the chargers you will be charging for some times for hours, a credit card is as far I have been told not designed for standing standby that long period of time( hope It make sense!), but that is apparently changing now? contactless payment will be the best way for the future.That’s encouraging, and sensible, but I’m still curious why the cards are needed in the first place. Can no one explain why?
Same here , I haven’t used fast charger even once and let me tell you if you don’t know already that RFID with complementary Rs 12,000 will expire in July 2021(This is for India)
I was given a free card (with membership) and Rs 12000 value (good for ~15 full charges) for one year when I purchased my car. I have been driving the ZS EV for over 2 months now and never got to use any charging station. Only use the AC fast charging at home.
Tata power also got multiple charging stations and I believe they are mostly free at this point of time, yet to test.
It is all about getting more customers and expanding customer base. There are going to be many players and everyone will try to lure early customers. RFIDs etc are only to get people hooked to a particular provider (although i doubt that it will work).
Yes the card is a waste :'(Same here , I haven’t used fast charger even once and let me tell you if you don’t know already that RFID with complementary Rs 12,000 will expire in July 2021