@decrep, great news, glad you have a solution. You have a newer infotainment system version than I have. I seem to remember a photo from this version and it shows 'battery balancing' in the centre of the wiggly circle in your display.
Can you check something with your low power (granny) charger. I have added photos to show what happens with my Trophy connected to my granny charger. My HV battery is at 24%, that is 1 quadrant of the charging port.

With the car unlocked and charging flap open the top quadrant shows a solid grey/blue colour (not clear in the photo)

With the mains supply
not connected to the granny charger plug in the charger plug, the quadrant light will turn solid blue.

Plug in the mains and switch on. After a few moments, the quadrant light turns green to show the car is charging. This green light flashes and becomes solid when a quadrant is full - 25% cumulative for each quadrant.
The car should not need to be locked but lock the car.
After a short time unlock the car, the charging will stop and the solid blue quadrant light will show. If you do not do anything else the car will shut itself and after a while the charging should resume.
If you unlock the car and sit in the driver's seat to power up the car, the centre display will show the home screen. If you go to the battery management screen you will see that the charging has stopped.
There is a Start Charging button but if you wait for a few minutes then charging should start again.
@Rolfe has said re-starting sometimes doesn't work but I've not found that with my granny charger/Trophy.
It would be interesting to know what happens with your car using the same process. Thanks.