Sorry, I normally appreciate your responses, but respectfully on this one you have completely missed the point.
Of course I know about the isolation switch.
Okay, so I have just checked our car JUST to be double sure of my understanding of how the rear windows do respond in the way you suggest, before responding to your post .
In your original post it state the following :-
Quote - "the fact that the rear windows go zinging all the way down as soon as you touch the button in the front door".
But I am struggling to understand how I "completely missed the point" sorry, because this is either incorrect or car does not function in the same way as our's ?.
Well here is my findings, this MAY or MAY NOT answer your question ??????.
So, when operating the REAR windows from the front drivers seat, this what happens in our car.
If you just "Tap" down on the rear window switch with lightest of short bursts, the windows glass WILL react in the very same way, by going down in the same very controlled short staggered stages.
But IF you then press the rear window switch into the down position HARD - then it WILL send the window glass down quickly, straight from the fully closed to fully open in one action !.
Small light "Tap's" down on the switches, gives you full control of the closer rate.
The built in safety feature here, is that the rear windows will only go UP in short stages, in response to you pulling UP on the switch.
They will NOT carry out automatic one touch closer.
They will only travel continuously IF you keep you finger FULLY pulled up on the switch.
This is very similar on other cars I have owned from other manufactures.
In concussion, either it is car or heavy finger pressure causing the issue.
If your car does NOT conform to this standard, then can I strongly suggest you get it checked at the dealers !.
I carry both of our young grand children in the back of our car on a regular basis, so understanding how these windows function is important.
For this very reason, that is why I suggested always disabling the rear windows when travelling.
The O/S/R window glass is most vulnerable to little fingers, because it is difficult to see the window operating while driving, the N/S/R is more vissable.