Even with my personal take on MG quality control that's a massive leap just to lump all Chinese manufacturers in together
The Chinese will build you almost anything at the price point and quality you're willing to pay for.
If the big legacy manufacturers stipulate a certain quality and finish for cars produced there, they (China) are more than capable of producing that.
I believe Chinese model 3's are far better built than the American ones also.
If we're talking about rust prevention measures specifically though, I can say I've been a little disappointed with how scant they are on the 4.
The overlapped joints on the subframes are rusting already, stonechip marks are doing the same, there's numerous water and mud traps which I just know will end with serious corrosion if not cleaned out after a winter up here.
The sills have a rubberised coating on the inner portion but not much more than primer on the outer section hidden by the plastic trim, a rust fest in waiting if ever I saw one.
MG has form on this, videos I've seen on the ZS did not look encouraging, really quite heavy rusting underneath cars less than 2 years old.
Keen pricing always tends to have a downside I'm afraid.
Macadoodle, thanks, this is helpful to know (if unwelcome news), what would you recommend people do to improve corrosion protection on their cars ?
The underbonnet area is the worst I think, the totally open inner wings allow the tyres to throw everything inwards. Sand, rocks, random bits of vegetation. I swear it's like a beach in there now, half expect to see a crab scuttle by.
Come the spring I'm going to clean it all out best I can and douse all of the subframe and the reverse side of the wings in waxoyl or similar. That's about all you can do as I can't see how you would prevent it getting in there.
The battery and undertrays ( and oil leak ) protect the mid and rear section reasonably well, but the outer sills beneath the plastic covers need something IMO.
No idea if the bonnet, doors etc are galvanised as you would expect on any car these days, roof certainly doesn't appear to be, ignore chips there at your peril