We all know that generally, the only people who make money on cars, is the people selling them and not the people who are buying them.
Generally they are a loss making venture, we all know this of course and they are going to cost you money, it’s a given !.
I think the fact is that you have just have to accept this reality.
What happened about 12 months ago regarding stupid crazy values, is not likely to been seen again in my mind.
Cars are going to depreciate in value what ever you do.
Somehow you have to be just able to off set the loss against the use, or it’s like burning cash on the fire.
A two to three year old car that served you well and covered a decent amount of mileage is a good example.
On the other hand we have a similar car of the same age, that has only covered a very small mileage.
It is going to return a slightly better return value at trade in time, agreed.
But that small difference in value between both cars is insurmountable given the usage offered to the owner in the first example.
I have tended these days, to disregard the milage building up on my cars anymore.
Now we are retired, we use the car at every opportunity and use it for the purpose they were intended and just enjoy it.
Of course we are able to cover more miles as we have more spare time and the running costs of the EV by charging from home is still affordable to us.
Over the years gone by, I have lost count just how many cars I have part exchanged with much less than average mileage recorded.
So, I have learnt ( maybe a little too late in life ) to stop offering up dealers a very easy resale opportunity anymore.
The only way I would consider part exchanging my car early these days, was if it was unreliable and spending more time in the garage, than on the move !.
My late farther once offered up some great advice when it came to cars.
“When you start spending more time working on them, than driving them, it’s time to get shut”.
Wise words indeed ?.