Standard Member
Thank you to all who replied. Really appreciate all your thoughts and opinions ?
Is this the same size as the current mg4? But just with a improved range? Which would be perfect actually. The Chinese have found something:Also, why not buy the new ER model, launching in July, that offers 325 miles WLTP range? This would definitely be enough year round.

Battery breakthrough could power long-range electric cars and planes
China's 'condensed' battery breakthrough could power long-range electric cars and planes, and will be in mass production later this year

Thanks for the share. Yep, I've asked them for a extended test drive and they've gone very quiet all of a sudden ?First, my experience with an SE SR. Weekly 153 miles each way from the Cornish border to Basingstoke. I've stopped planning or fretting about this one. Best case one way is not an issue, I don't even set off with 100% sometimes. Worst case in the very cold weather I may only get 3.0 miles per kw/h, you sort the maths! However, lights/wipers etc don't seem to make much of an impact but a howling headwind does, only happens once in a blue moon. I'm not doing 70-75 either, it's the A303 so not all motorway.
So I'd say you'll be OK most of the time but very occasionally not, know where all the GOOD rapids are and have a contingency stop in your back pocket. With a modern rapid you'll gain more than enough to sort out a modest shortfall in the time it takes to empty your bladder.
Don't forget, charge when you can, not when you have to.
Personally, I'd arrange a 48hr test drive and do a proving journey myself.