My March 23 SE LR frequently does this on first start up, but as others have said, I find that if I lift my foot off the brake and reapply it, the car wakes up properly and goes into D or R as required. I also had it occur at a set of traffic lights - until then I hadn't been bothering to put the car into N when waiting at lights but for some reason I did that time. I had the footbrake applied throughout, and when I came to move off the car doggedly refused to go into D, regardless of lifting my foot off the brake etc, but eventually it did, and the lights promptly changed back to red of course.
So from now on I'll be very wary of putting it into N at any point during a drive, but it does raise the question, is there any real need to put an EV into neutral when you're waiting at lights etc if you're holding it on the footbrake or autohold with no accelerator applied?