Great stuff?, that protocol's exactly what I was looking for - but failed to find?
So good and bad I take from it, I was fortunately not right, Ncap don't just tick a box they do some level of detailed testing to prove system functionality, but unfortunately (and I have to accept practically) their testing has limitations that won't cover a lot of real world conditions most if us meet on our daily journeys
I guess it's just a pity some manufacturers have managed to engineer these driving/safety aids almost seamlessly into their cars so they sit quietly in the background until really needed, while others - not so much, and more of a crude feature needing refinement.
But perhaps that's inevitable that car makers who've been perfecting it longer and maybe with bigger R&D budgets will have better systems until the others catch up.
Good point, one reason that pops into my mind, whether we like to agree with it or not LKA is considered a safety system (tho many would just say a driver's aid) and any tinkering with a safety system opens a hornets nest of issues, warranty invalidated for starters.
God forbid an accident happens and the change is found in the investigation (regardless if LKA related to crash) I think any judge would throw the book at u - and then throw the key away.
Most lads tinkering via OBD/software are doing it mostly for power gains (that also may have consequences but I'd suspect on a lesser scale)
Also I suspect a lot of that group aren't embracing the EV transition yet, and for now are sticking with ICE cars
Lastly EV makers are much more likely to monitor their cars, often remotely OTA, some even with ability to remotely disable and leave you stranded (Tesla)