MG4 LR Trophy MY23
BTW I know all Trophys are LR but since there's now Extended range being launched I said best to include it
I'm just wondering if anyone else seeing range as low as mine, as most posters seem to be getting quite better numbers
I accept my commute maybe isn't best suited to EV/MG4 efficiencies.
I do mostly motorway journeys (80%) with remainder on A roads, seldom on Bs or around town, also as I'm based in Ireland speed limits are higher than UK;
m-ways are 120kmh (75mph) and A roads are 100km (63mph) which makes eff a little worse - and before the abuse starts,,? I know it's a limit not a target and I do go a good bit slower when traffic levels and my schedule allows, but many Irish M-ways have only 2 lanes so if busy, slower drivers really become a PITA.
My roundtrip commute is 90miles which I do 3 or 4 times per week, same journey, mostly flat, motorway/A/local 80/15/5%
Only got car at start of July so just over 2 months records, and temps have been fairly good 20-25° average, July was wet a lot, Aug was dryer
My range is telling me 3.2M/kwh which is obviously far lower than most that have posted here, I've never seen 4+ never mind 5.
I do have a replacement undertray ordered so I'm hoping that helps a bit.
My questions are;
1. Is anyone else seeing figures consistently that low? - the efficiency figures I get for a single roundtrip match very closely to my two month average with a total of almost 3k miles done.
2. From my rough calculations I'm down 25-30% on max range MG quote, is this what would be expected for my type of commutes?
I've come to realise from more research (perhaps a tad late, tho I did quite a lot) that the MG4 is maybe one EV who's efficiency suffers more at higher speeds, and the spoiler on the Trophy worsens that some more
3. Anyone like to hazard a guess how low my range would reduce to in the colder winter months?
4.When making calculations for real range vs what the GOM says I'm assuming people are using battery capacity of 61.5kw (usable) vs 64kw (full capacity), am I right?
I do have advantage of having charging ability at both ends of commute, home and work, but availability isn't always assured so I do need to plan in advance
Also again from perspective of aerodynamics I prob didn't fully consider the slightly reduced quoted range for Trophy vs the LR, I'd imagine it is based on mixed driving, since I'm mostly at higher speeds I reckon it's having proportionally greater effect on overall range - it would seems logical
Lastly, reason I quote mph figures despite being in km area is purely for comparison since majority on this forum seem UK based, when im driving it's set to km - but I do find the kwh/100km units a bit of a faf and not the most intuitive to work off.
Apologies, I went on a bit there and thanks if u had the patience to finish it,
PS; in case I give impression otherwise, I do really like my MG4, just a wee bit concerned about the range ?