MG4 Range

I get 4.5m/kWh on my daily trip at 12 deg C or above, without the heater on and 2.4m/kWh with the heater on 27C. These are very short trips 3 miles there and 3 miles back, I guess the heater on figure would improve over a longer distance as the cabin warms up.
I know the lack of the rear spoiler on the SE helps efficiency but I can honestly say I struggle to get mine below 4 miles / kWh as long as its above 15 deg and dry.
I gave it a light thrashing the other day running wifey to a late appointment. 50 mile round trip, 600ft elevation change en route, mix of 60 and 70 mph roads into Inverness.
4.2 miles kWh when I parked up, better than our old 2014 leaf would do if memory serves.
That is good isn't it. Interesting that petrol prices have increased lately and typically £1.50/litre. And in October, electricity prices are scheduled to drop.
My average SE SR is 4.5 miles/kWh over the last 500 miles or so. This is a mixture of town, A roads and Motorway. I always use Normal and High regen. I have tried Eco but found little improvement. And Normal is for me the best driving mode.
One Pedal would be great if it was available on the older versions. Does anyone know whether this is the case?
Also seeing 4.5 mi/kWh but I don't think that it is what most people should be expecting:


Although most of it was motorway I had to be doing <60mph with the AC on just enough to keep us comfortable. The only reason for doing this was to avoid charging before getting back to the free chargers at work this morning. Driving normally I would expect 3.2 mi/kWh and could have reduced the travel time by approximately 45mins.
MG4 SE LR Ph1 - On a recent trip to Nottingham from Bath (154 miles), in the warm but below average summer temps at that time (so little/no AC use) starting with 100% charge, the display was indicating 51% charge on arrival and 312 available miles range after charging to 100%. Mostly motorway, but with some stop start around Birmingham. I am usually getting 4mi/kWh or more on journeys at this time of year, and occasionally up to 5mi/kWh on trips on slowish local roads. I generally use Eco and level 3 regen, and rarely use ACC, with LKA on alert rather than wrench the wheel out of your hands mode. These figures are much better than our 40kW 2018 Renault Zoe which averaged 2.8mi/kWh on the same journey, and it's so nice not having to charge at 22kW at Hopwood Park now! :)
MG4 LR Trophy MY23
Kudos to #chelsea56 for starting a very helpful thread on real world range feedback, I'm finding the data very good but at times wildly varying and slightly confusing.
Although I noted #tomsk has great tip, beginning his post with type/model(year)

MG4 SE LR Ph1 -

I'm sure it's not just me that's seen unusual range figures and had to go back numerous posts to find out what version car they had to find if it was a SR, LR or Trophy,
Perhaps others have much better memory than me ?
With some MG4 threads being quite general the model is less important, but for range I think we all recognise it's quite specific.
Just seems a good idea - for this thread anyway
Many of us have our models listed in our signatures. Some of us have also updated our Location to include the same details. :)
Many of us have our models listed in our signatures. Some of us have also updated our Location to include the same details. :)
Great idea, hadn't thought of that, unfortunately unless I'm going blind, looking back through this thread yours was the only one I seen with model details.
Also excuse my ignorance (and I'm sure it's a silly question) but how do I edit/update my profile/signature, I don't see the option ,?
MG4 LR Trophy MY23
Kudos to #chelsea56 for starting a very helpful thread on real world range feedback, I'm finding the data very good but at times wildly varying and slightly confusing.
Although I noted #tomsk has great tip, beginning his post with type/model(year)

I'm sure it's not just me that's seen unusual range figures and had to go back numerous posts to find out what version car they had to find if it was a SR, LR or Trophy,
Perhaps others have much better memory than me ?
With some MG4 threads being quite general the model is less important, but for range I think we all recognise it's quite specific.
Just seems a good idea - for this thread anyway
Giving out range figures even with the model stated is not actually that helpful on its own. I can achieve the equivalent of 360 miles on a four-mile trip in my Trophy to my local Tesco, which is slightly downhill at 30mph. Obviously I don't get that on the way back. To fully explain your range, you need to state the weather conditions, roads driven and at what speed, distance travelled, whether the distance was lots of small journeys, one long journey or a round trip, which way the wind was blowing, hoiw cold or warm it was, whether it was raining or not, whether it was uphill or downhill. One journey doesn't give you your range, lots of journeys across a month will only give you the range for your type of driving in that month. I'm collecting my monthly figures to get an idea of my average range each month and will put them all together after 12 months to get an idea of an annual average range. I would say that's more usefull for those wishing to understand the range of the car but it's still only my range, based on my driving style, on the roads I use and the journeys I make, and in the parts of the country that I drive.
Great idea, hadn't thought of that, unfortunately unless I'm going blind, looking back through this thread yours was the only one I seen with model details.
Also excuse my ignorance (and I'm sure it's a silly question) but how do I edit/update my profile/signature, I don't see the option ,?
You might not yet have enough posts to be able to add one yet. When you do you'll see it when you go to your forum profile:

Giving out range figures even with the model stated is not actually that helpful on its own. I can achieve the equivalent of 360 miles on a four-mile trip in my Trophy to my local Tesco, which is slightly downhill at 30mph. Obviously I don't get that on the way back. To fully explain your range, you need to state the weather conditions, roads driven and at what speed, distance travelled, whether the distance was lots of small journeys, one long journey or a round trip, which way the wind was blowing, hoiw cold or warm it was, whether it was raining or not, whether it was uphill or downhill. One journey doesn't give you your range, lots of journeys across a month will only give you the range for your type of driving in that month. I'm collecting my monthly figures to get an idea of my average range each month and will put them all together after 12 months to get an idea of an annual average range. I would say that's more usefull for those wishing to understand the range of the car but it's still only my range, based on my driving style, on the roads I use and the journeys I make, and in the parts of the country that I drive.
Fully accept the more criteria the more detailed data can be drawn from it, but I was just pointing out that the starting point has to be what model/type cars we're comparing, if wrong assumption made at the start it's not apples with apples.
Also (and you may disagree) sometimes you(not specifically you) can be trying to analyse too many variables and risk not seeing the wood for the trees
I'd think a good level of detail might be driving roads and % of each - motorway/A/B/around town, and average/max speed on each.
weekly, monthly mileage
general conditions that week/month - mostly wet or dry, mostly windy or calm
Road surface type will undoubtedly affect friction and hence range but can be hard to assess even while driving it
Temperatures, and whether using AC.

As you point out getting a figure from a short run to the shops is worthless, monthly averages are far more useful - perhaps eventually broadened to just summer/winter
MG4 LR Trophy MY23
BTW I know all Trophys are LR but since there's now Extended range being launched I said best to include it
I'm just wondering if anyone else seeing range as low as mine, as most posters seem to be getting quite better numbers
I accept my commute maybe isn't best suited to EV/MG4 efficiencies.

I do mostly motorway journeys (80%) with remainder on A roads, seldom on Bs or around town, also as I'm based in Ireland speed limits are higher than UK;
m-ways are 120kmh (75mph) and A roads are 100km (63mph) which makes eff a little worse - and before the abuse starts,,? I know it's a limit not a target and I do go a good bit slower when traffic levels and my schedule allows, but many Irish M-ways have only 2 lanes so if busy, slower drivers really become a PITA.
My roundtrip commute is 90miles which I do 3 or 4 times per week, same journey, mostly flat, motorway/A/local 80/15/5%
Only got car at start of July so just over 2 months records, and temps have been fairly good 20-25° average, July was wet a lot, Aug was dryer
My range is telling me 3.2M/kwh which is obviously far lower than most that have posted here, I've never seen 4+ never mind 5.

I do have a replacement undertray ordered so I'm hoping that helps a bit.

My questions are;
1. Is anyone else seeing figures consistently that low? - the efficiency figures I get for a single roundtrip match very closely to my two month average with a total of almost 3k miles done.
2. From my rough calculations I'm down 25-30% on max range MG quote, is this what would be expected for my type of commutes?
I've come to realise from more research (perhaps a tad late, tho I did quite a lot) that the MG4 is maybe one EV who's efficiency suffers more at higher speeds, and the spoiler on the Trophy worsens that some more
3. Anyone like to hazard a guess how low my range would reduce to in the colder winter months?
4.When making calculations for real range vs what the GOM says I'm assuming people are using battery capacity of 61.5kw (usable) vs 64kw (full capacity), am I right?

I do have advantage of having charging ability at both ends of commute, home and work, but availability isn't always assured so I do need to plan in advance

Also again from perspective of aerodynamics I prob didn't fully consider the slightly reduced quoted range for Trophy vs the LR, I'd imagine it is based on mixed driving, since I'm mostly at higher speeds I reckon it's having proportionally greater effect on overall range - it would seems logical
Lastly, reason I quote mph figures despite being in km area is purely for comparison since majority on this forum seem UK based, when im driving it's set to km - but I do find the kwh/100km units a bit of a faf and not the most intuitive to work off.

Apologies, I went on a bit there and thanks if u had the patience to finish it,
PS; in case I give impression otherwise, I do really like my MG4, just a wee bit concerned about the range ?


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2. From my rough calculations I'm down 25-30% on max range MG quote, is this what would be expected for my type of commutes?
Yes I think so. Cruising at 75mph I get approx 3.1 mi/kWh. People like to show off when they get a really high or really low number. I would bet that most owners are seeing similar numbers to you.

3. Anyone like to hazard a guess how low my range would reduce to in the colder winter months?
If your getting 3.2 mi/kWh now I would guess you will be around 2.8-2.9 mi/kWh in winter, maybe less on the very worst days.

4.When making calculations for real range vs what the GOM says I'm assuming people are using battery capacity of 61.5kw (usable) vs 64kw (full capacity), am I right?
Yes, 61.7 kWh.

Your commute is only 90 miles so it doesn't really matter, your not going to see the range drop that much.
Yes I think so. Cruising at 75mph I get approx 3.1 mi/kWh. People like to show off when they get a really high or really low number. I would bet that most owners are seeing similar numbers to you
Very good, I half suspected same, on one hand I'm happy car is ok but on flip side if something was wrong I could expect improvement after fixing it ?, tho I still hope for a. small gain when new undertray arrives.

My take is the real world figures are pretty close to what's stated on ev-database

On a side note, I just find it coincidental that once you drop 25+% off range (for highway speeds) it matches closely what I'd achieve with a SR if just pottering around town at lower speeds, but I guess that's why you get a LR.
If your getting 3.2 mi/kWh now I would guess you will be around 2.8-2.9 mi/kWh in winter, maybe less on the very worst days.
I'd be happy with that, was concerned I might drop into 2.5 territory, as you say maybe on the very cold spells, but they usually don't last too long here anyway
Your commute is only 90 miles so it doesn't really matter, your not going to see the range drop that much
True, except now I'm comfortably able to complete two roundtrips between charges, in winter I was hoping to manage same by small speed reduction rather than having to charge every trip,
Charger availability at my work is in high demand so not always assured, home also awkward with a short night tariff and better half often has her Eniro charging.

Meanwhile I'm still alternating my charge level from 80%-100%, I know it's recommended to only go to 80% for battery health except for long trips, but theres times I have to max it, also as soon as I've charged and return home I'm <80% anyway.,?
Either way charging level of NMC batteries and how it affects long-term battery life is perhaps for (or already in) another thread, albeit it obviously has a direct affect on range.
Even some 'experts' can't seem to agree on how detrimental the impact of charging to 100 vs 80% are in real terms to battery longevity.
As I understand it, it's not so much the charging to 100% that tends to degrade the electrolyte, but leaving the car sitting at 100% for prolonged periods. I saw a video by a real battery expert that was quite reassuring. Don't leave it at a very high SoC for weeks on end, and don't beat it up with "shallow cycles" and you'll be fine.

By shallow cycles he meant taking it down the shops and plugging it in every time you get back, so it spends its life constantly cycling between 95% and 100%. How to kill a Leaf, apparently.
Your average seems normal, I do a very similar daily commute. If I stay around 70mph I get 3-3.3 and if the traffic is heavier and I'm hovering around 60-63mph I tend to get 3.5-3.8 with the current weather conditions

Also the daily 80 miles seems to use around 38% battery so I've been charging to 90% every 2 days. If the range drops in winter I'll go to 100% every 2 days. The car is never sat more than 5 hours when I charge to that level before setting off so definitely no harm done.
MG4 LR Trophy MY23
BTW I know all Trophys are LR but since there's now Extended range being launched I said best to include it
I'm just wondering if anyone else seeing range as low as mine, as most posters seem to be getting quite better numbers
I accept my commute maybe isn't best suited to EV/MG4 efficiencies.

I do mostly motorway journeys (80%) with remainder on A roads, seldom on Bs or around town, also as I'm based in Ireland speed limits are higher than UK;
m-ways are 120kmh (75mph) and A roads are 100km (63mph) which makes eff a little worse - and before the abuse starts,,? I know it's a limit not a target and I do go a good bit slower when traffic levels and my schedule allows, but many Irish M-ways have only 2 lanes so if busy, slower drivers really become a PITA.
My roundtrip commute is 90miles which I do 3 or 4 times per week, same journey, mostly flat, motorway/A/local 80/15/5%
Only got car at start of July so just over 2 months records, and temps have been fairly good 20-25° average, July was wet a lot, Aug was dryer
My range is telling me 3.2M/kwh which is obviously far lower than most that have posted here, I've never seen 4+ never mind 5.

I do have a replacement undertray ordered so I'm hoping that helps a bit.

My questions are;
1. Is anyone else seeing figures consistently that low? - the efficiency figures I get for a single roundtrip match very closely to my two month average with a total of almost 3k miles done.
2. From my rough calculations I'm down 25-30% on max range MG quote, is this what would be expected for my type of commutes?
I've come to realise from more research (perhaps a tad late, tho I did quite a lot) that the MG4 is maybe one EV who's efficiency suffers more at higher speeds, and the spoiler on the Trophy worsens that some more
3. Anyone like to hazard a guess how low my range would reduce to in the colder winter months?
4.When making calculations for real range vs what the GOM says I'm assuming people are using battery capacity of 61.5kw (usable) vs 64kw (full capacity), am I right?

I do have advantage of having charging ability at both ends of commute, home and work, but availability isn't always assured so I do need to plan in advance

Also again from perspective of aerodynamics I prob didn't fully consider the slightly reduced quoted range for Trophy vs the LR, I'd imagine it is based on mixed driving, since I'm mostly at higher speeds I reckon it's having proportionally greater effect on overall range - it would seems logical
Lastly, reason I quote mph figures despite being in km area is purely for comparison since majority on this forum seem UK based, when im driving it's set to km - but I do find the kwh/100km units a bit of a faf and not the most intuitive to work off.

Apologies, I went on a bit there and thanks if u had the patience to finish it,
PS; in case I give impression otherwise, I do really like my MG4, just a wee bit concerned about the range ?
I'd say your range is spot on for motorway driving. People claiming large ranges are probably not doing much motorway driving or they are driving below the speed limit. It won't take much to knock your efficiency back. I did 50 motorway miles today between 6.30am and 7.30am when the temperature was 11C. I was down to 3 miles/kWh. We're barely into autumn so expect much lower than that come Dec, Jan, Feb.
As I understand it, it's not so much the charging to 100% that tends to degrade the electrolyte, but leaving the car sitting at 100% for prolonged periods. I saw a video by a real battery expert that was quite reassuring. Don't leave it at a very high SoC for weeks on end, and don't beat it up with "shallow cycles" and you'll be fine.

By shallow cycles he meant taking it down the shops and plugging it in every time you get back, so it spends its life constantly cycling between 95% and 100%. How to kill a Leaf, apparently.
Yes, I think leaving at 100% is bigger issue than charging to 100%
I definitely won't be short cycling, 9 times out 10 when.i use car it's for 40+ miles and usually bring it to 20/30% before charging
These are my recorded/calculated miles per kWh per the spreadsheet I've been keeping since I got the car. kWh Stored is calculated based on the %age added x 50.8kWh (usable capacity of the battery); kWh Charged is derived from my Wallbox app (or calculated based on 80% efficiency if I've been using the granny lead):

DateEnd %Start %kWh StoredkWh ChargedCharge EfficiencyMileageEfficiency (mpkWh)
Also the daily 80 miles seems to use around 38% battery so I've been charging to 90% every 2 days. If the range drops in winter I'll go to 100% every 2 days. The car is never sat more than 5 hours when I charge to that level before setting off so definitely no harm done.
Yes, sounds like similar commutes and range experiences, I'm planning similar for winter but suspect in the very cold spells I mightn't get 2 days

I'd say your range is spot on for motorway driving. People claiming large ranges are probably not doing much motorway driving or they are driving below the speed limit. It won't take much to knock your efficiency back. I did 50 motorway miles today between 6.30am and 7.30am when the temperature was 11C. I was down to 3 miles/kWh. We're barely into autumn so expect much lower than that come Dec, Jan, Feb.
I'm hoping not too much lower in the winter?

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