The most worrying thing was that a guy in a GivEnergy shirt, who was manning the GivEnergy stand, suddenly turned to my friend's husband in the lunch queue and exclaimed that EVs are the absolute worst thing for planet, horrible pollution. My friend's husband is a bit of a petrolhead and I'd brought him hoping to give him a better impression of EVs. He had already remarked to me that sales of EVs were falling off.
The GivEnergy staffer started going on and on about children digging cobalt out of the ground to make EV batteries, something he had apparently seen for himself. I informed him that my car has no cobalt in it, and asked if he drove a petrol car. No, he said, a diesel. I pointed out that cobalt is used in the desulphuration of petrol and diesel, so he was the one whose car relied on cobalt, not me. Made no difference, he went on spouting FUD.
It quite spoiled my afternoon. Especially as I had a GivEnergy battery and inverter installed just last week. I'm considering writing to the company.