Two comments here. Firstly, everybody has the issue that they have to set the temperature higher than they had imagined would be the case to get the temperature they want. Everybody, including people without heat pumps. Whether this is the "Chinese cars" explanation or not, the offset appears to be about five degrees, and you just have to do it. I find that apart from that little foible the HVAC works really well.
Secondly, some people have mentioned an issue with the car being too cold on one setting then too warm only a degree higher. I think I know one explanation. I noticed this just once, just after the car had been "serviced" and wondered if some software update had jemmied things. Then I realised that the vents weren't set to blow anywhere at all. All of them were off. When I fixed that so that at least one set of vents was set to blow, all was well again. So if you find that you're either cold or hot and nothing in between, check your vent settings.