case dismissed
Standard Member
My Xpower is having the stage 2 fix detailed in the recent leaked document on xpower vibrations. It took me nearly 6 months to get the dealer to accept the problem, also has random steering episodes which also gained many denials until recently ( still no fix), many questions on this , is this the only car to be having the stage 2 fix ( front cross member/4 motor mounts/ rear subframe) this fix is designed to change angle of the driveshafts which are the excitation source / cause of vibration throughout the car.
Also the document states MG have known about this since October 23, probably before yet MG and the dealers continue to sell xpowers knowing there defective, the document was directed to MGuk and it's dealer network.
I am documenting all my experiences on case dismissed (you tube) and helping people get there cars fixed and get compensated where possible as I tackle many civil cases.
Regards Neil
Also the document states MG have known about this since October 23, probably before yet MG and the dealers continue to sell xpowers knowing there defective, the document was directed to MGuk and it's dealer network.
I am documenting all my experiences on case dismissed (you tube) and helping people get there cars fixed and get compensated where possible as I tackle many civil cases.
Regards Neil