I went back to r46.
On r63 or r59 the weather and user app would only work immediately after reactivating the device. After a restart both would stop working.
This problem occured after going from r59 to r63, going back to r59 didn't change the behaviour. Back to r46 and its ok again.
Regarding the bluetooth-connection/pairing issues:
I noticed, that when you restart the headunit by holding the home button for 10 seconds on r63 and on r59 (and probably on r46) the device will start up with a different mac-address which will trigger a pairing request.
Some people mentioned, that they still have these bluetooth issues, even though they updatet to r59 or 63.
My theory is, that the bluetooth problems are not connected to the headunit itself, but maybe to the ECU for the headunit, because this device triggers startup and shutdown of the main unit.
When i updatet to r59 i also updatet the ECU, and maybe that fixed the bluetooth pairing issues.
As i am now back to r46, but still have the ecu update installed, i may be able to give more feedback in a couple of weeks.