Oh boy - I've only had the car a few days and I already have a rant prepared...
LKA (steering interference) and that laughably useless speed limit recognition nonsense are re-enabled when you put your foot on the brake pedal. I turn LKA off because it reacts to almost everything on the road, even arrows painted on the road confuse it, and I'm sick and tired (already) of the beeps and steering wheel tugs. The current implementation is still not fit for purpose. To me, steering wheel tugs/vibration/whatever you want to call it, feels like something breaking on the car - I hate it.
IMO there are other strange design decisions with the software.
The auto-headlights, for instance. That totally unnecessary feature bug gets re-enabled every time you start the thing. We have a number of railway bridges in the area, every time I go under one, the bloody headlights come on for a few seconds even in bright sunlight. Other cars do this but I've never had one where it gets re-enabled every time it's started.
Speaking of headlights - I wonder who's bright idea it was to have the car light up like a Christmas tree when you unlock it. I unlocked the car last night to open the charge port cover so I could plug it in and the thing lit up half the neighbourhood - totally unnecessary, but no way to prevent it. Why doesn't it use the 'follow me home' setting for that.
It's not a bad car by any means, in fact it's a nice size and is actually fun to drive - it's just let down by the inconsistent and sometimes frustrating software. That, at least, is not too hard for the manufacturer to fix - so there is hope lol