Octopus Go Referral Link


I have a PodPoint charge point. These have recent received an upgrade and now do scheduled charging.
I've set mine up to do Economy7 start time until 10:00. That means the heavy lifting will be at low rate and balance charging ( if needed) at day rate.
I've given it one try and it seems to work OK.

Smart meter Go-live is 19/10/21, following which I'll switch to an Octopus Go tariff (I hope).

I'll let you know how it all goes.

If anyone is interested, here's an up to date Octopus referral link:

Switch using that and we both get fifty quid.


Update #4
Continuing the story of my transition to Octopus, a smart meter and Octopus Go.

The smart meter change out happened today. The guy was due to arrive between 08:00 and 12:00 and duly showed up at about 11.

Nice guy, got stuck straight in. First stop was a quick look in the meter cupboard (ours is one of those glass fibre jobbies in the outside wall), followed by a quick check that at least one plug socket was wired correctly (simple plug in tester).

He wanted the supply switched off at the consumer unit, which I duly did. He went to the meter cupboard to start work. I left him to it and popped back out after about 20 minutes, to find him commissioning the meter, using a handheld computer which talked to the meter, via the DCC servers over a GSM mobile connection (I think. I do know that there's also two radio based WAN services the DCC scheme uses but I don't think my meter uses either of them)

All finished, he handed over the monitor and gave me a quick once over about using it. It's mains powered but battery backed (rechargable) and reasonably user-friendly.

I've done a quick check turning the kettle on and watching the instantaneous rate jump up by just under 3kVA, which seems about the right ballpark.

I intend to have a sniff round and see if we can reduce the background level of consumption. I'll post another update in a bit once I've had a chance to play some more and get some real time experience.


If anyone is interested, here's an up to date Octopus referral link:
Octopus Energy
Switch using that and we both get fifty quid.
There are some fantastic utilities available to analyse your Octopus data if you are interested. I have a home grown Perl program which uses the API and writs my half hourly consumption to a spreadsheet, which was interesting for at least the first couple of months :0( Been able to really close in on my consumption and being that aware of where it's all going and when has alone made a significant saving. (My program is too customised to share but if you are interested I'll find a link to some useful stuff)
There are some fantastic utilities available to analyse your Octopus data if you are interested.
Yeah - Microsoft PowerBI Desktop (a free utility) is my personal favourite. We use it at work (in it's paid for online service capacity). Just pull in your data and graph away, and it connects straight to the Octopus API using the JSON connector. In the absence of a working IHD (issues connecting to the Gas smart meter seems to knobble my IHD) this certainly fills the gap to a certain extent,

Again, there's a lot of specific stuff in there (my Go Faster times, current tariff rates, MPAN number etc) hard coded in there though. If I'm bored over the next few months I might have a look at parameterising some of that though...
Update #5

Latest update - and a bit of an oddity.

Well, some months after having my smart meter installed I realised something odd was happening in the billing department.

I'd had one online bill, which took me from signing up with Octopus, through to when the smart meter was installed. Lovely

The Octopus app was dutifully reporting usage and showing consumption profiles etc. I was having direct debits taken exactly as expected and I had a bit of a credit balance from a couple of referrals. Lovely. (and thanks to the referrerees).

The weird thing was, that credit balance just kept growing. I'd had no bills posted to my online account since that first one in October 2021.

I queried this with Octopus and (eventually, certainly after longer than their anticipated 2 days), got a message back to say oopsie, we hadn't actually linked your meter to the billing service.

I now have an up to date set of bills, a reduced credit balance and a slightly more comfortable feeling. Fortunately the big bill wasn't too ginormous and my current budget still stands. Phew.

The moral seems to be: check the actual bills are being generated and finds being taken from your Octopus balance.

All now (I hope) sorted.

If anyone is interested, here's an up to date Octopus referral link:

Switch using that and we both get fifty quid.
Update #5

Latest update - and a bit of an oddity.

Well, some months after having my smart meter installed I realised something odd was happening in the billing department.

I'd had one online bill, which took me from signing up with Octopus, through to when the smart meter was installed. Lovely

The Octopus app was dutifully reporting usage and showing consumption profiles etc. I was having direct debits taken exactly as expected and I had a bit of a credit balance from a couple of referrals. Lovely. (and thanks to the referrerees).

The weird thing was, that credit balance just kept growing. I'd had no bills posted to my online account since that first one in October 2021.

I queried this with Octopus and (eventually, certainly after longer than their anticipated 2 days), got a message back to say oopsie, we hadn't actually linked your meter to the billing service.

I now have an up to date set of bills, a reduced credit balance and a slightly more comfortable feeling. Fortunately the big bill wasn't too ginormous and my current budget still stands. Phew.

The moral seems to be: check the actual bills are being generated and finds being taken from your Octopus balance.

All now (I hope) sorted.

If anyone is interested, here's an up to date Octopus referral link:

Switch using that and we both get fifty quid.

i had the same problem (i'm on Octopus Go) - and i think its happened again at the moment on my account (thanks for the reminder!)

i think what happens is anytime there is a power cut at your property their reporting system blips and doesnt know what to do with a gap in time and requires a human to move it along and then all the bills get unblocked - just my suspicion!

as you say, drop them an email and it all gets resolved.
My electric was just about billed ok but the gas took ages to show. Even now the don't both appear at the same time.

Was told there are occasions when one or two half hourly readings are not captured on the billing system and thus the bill for the period up to when the non capture happens is not produced correctly.

They also said because the GO tarrif is still in beta so these types of issues will continue.

After a year I am now receiving monthly bills and they are accurate.
I had over a year with bill problems. First the link with my meter to the account, then software issues with the Government SMET2 approved software crashing & the auto bill generation not happening and so on. Octopus were great. I had a dedicated person dealing with the issue who I had a monthly chat with until it was finally resolved.

Nobody has ever used my referral link :(

I don't think Octopus recommends switching they say stay on current tariff as it comes under the CAP rate.
Unless your tariff comes to an end. My octopus Go just ended so it was either move to the variable standard one which will increase over time or fix another 12 months on a high price octopus Go. I chose to fix for 12 months to benefit on the cheaper overnight rate and try to schedule dishwasher etc overnight instead of the day.
Nobody has ever used my referral link :(

When I signed up 2 years ago I got a referal bonus. At some point I must have clicked someone's link, but I don't remember doing it and I went direct to the site when I did it. I guess someone out there was lucky.
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