Recent content by AndyCl

  1. AndyCl

    MG4 steaming up problem

    My old Land Rover didn't fog up during the Norwegian winter weather unless under occasional extreme conditions, but the MG4 easily fogs even during our mild autumn weather. Would defiantly appear to be a MG4 character, so I'm wondering how it will be in winter. However, using the demister and or...
  2. AndyCl

    Poll: What’s your favourite colour MG4?

    Limited edition Pink was available in China, but sold out quickly.
  3. AndyCl

    2025 MG4

    Somebody's dream maybe, but not mine!
  4. AndyCl

    MG4 Charging port lights stopped working

    Don't do anything drastic before first trying by turning off and leaving for a while. My MG4 charging port LED's stopped working yesterday but I could still charge to 80%. Today when I started the car and checked they were working fine.
  5. AndyCl

    Poll: What’s your favourite colour MG4?

    Silver is available in Norway and which I almost chose, but went for Andes Grey in the end.
  6. AndyCl

    Take off your MG4 wheel covers now!! All they do is damage the alloy and they look CRAP!!

    Wish mine would pop off, I can't even pull the buggers off!
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