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  1. DaevM

    Dishonest dealer or acceptable practice?

    I was somewhat disappointed when I bought what I thought was a "brand new" SE LR in March of this year only to find out later that it had been manufactured 10 months before. To be fair that is the only 'problem' I've had with it 9 months of ownership and still love it to bits. I think as stated...
  2. DaevM

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    It's almost like you didn't read my post and just responded to the thread header. Note the word accidentally and phrase error of my ways...
  3. DaevM

    Wish list of MG4 improvements

    A spare tyre please, rather than tyre destroying glue pack ... and definitely driver profile save on assists
  4. DaevM

    MG4 Frunk now available

    I'm not very ocd or particular so use the 'behind-the-front-seats-unk' comes at no additional cost and has substantial storage space, especially with the rear seats down 😉👍 (also, don't ever have rear seat passengers 😂)
  5. DaevM

    What have you bought for your Xpower this week ?

    Probably the best erection I've seen for a good while tbf 🤓👍
  6. DaevM

    Is OTA going to remain a lie?

    Funny how we used to manage without software updates wi' ne'er a problem. I'm totally loving my MG4 exactly as it is and would be happy if it never has another software update. I mean why 🤷. As the man said, be careful what you wish for. It's a bit like meds. This'll sort your symptoms but...
  7. DaevM

    So, Long Range you say ?

    D'oh - 5 years of driving evs and I hadn't worked that out. Tbh a certain amount of tongue firmly embedded in cheek ??
  8. DaevM

    So, Long Range you say ?

    No need to potter about for a month. 1 x 6 mile trip at an average 15mph and a reset has got it heading back up to reasonable @ 275 miles ?? No surprises there then.
  9. DaevM

    So, Long Range you say ?

    203 miles @ 100% which demonstrates well how the GOM can only work with historical data. I'll reset it now and potter about at 30mph for a month and it'll go back up to 295 ( which it was showing before I went on the high speed (ish) road trip. Largely pointless facility - more gimmicky in my...
  10. DaevM

    So, Long Range you say ?

    Just finished a 650 mile round trip in 15 hours, somewhat hammering it for at least 50% of the time. Recharging at home to 100% tonight. Will let you know how it's looking tomorrow
  11. DaevM

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    I know, right? Every time I started it, it'd end up on that screen with "lost connection to charger" message. It was showing as charging happily in the car though so I left it to it and it was fine. Thought I'd got away with a £2 charge for half a tank when I looked at the history but it must've...
  12. DaevM

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    Already at the Exeter service centre topping up for the home run - 1 other car ( Tesla) charging ?
  13. DaevM

    First 'fight' with a Tesla driver ...

    Just had my first fight with a Tesla driver queueing at John Lewis Cribbs Causeway. I've used these chargers about 4 times now and there's always been around half a dozen chargers free when I arrived. Today, full ?. Not being familiar with the protocol here I accidentally pushed in... No honest...
  14. DaevM

    So, Long Range you say ?

    It's all good. Been driving EV for 5 years now, 4 of which were in a 30kWh battery vehicle, all year round with a 500 mile round trip every 6 weeks, recharging every 50 miles, so the MG4 is a real treat. My bladder gives out far sooner than my battery charge. This weekend I am driving Hayle -...
  15. DaevM

    So, Long Range you say ?

    So glad I got a long range.
  16. DaevM

    PlanMyService LLP Heads Up

    We do this for all our 'big bills' such as house insurance, car insurance etcetc and recently even private dental when they stopped doing their 'scheme'. Better to pay the monies to yourself and get interest ( premium bonds? ?), certainly works out cheaper than most monthly payments schemes and...
  17. DaevM

    unreliability survey

    Just done it - sound like a proper MG fanboy ? 100% F.A.B. ?
  18. DaevM

    What have you got, that's lasted you for years and years. ??

    We'd been getting through washing machines about once every 5 years for some unknown reason up until we moved into the present house 10 years ago. Within about 18 months it started making some unearthly noises and I thought oh no, here we go again. I offered to take it out and see if it was...
  19. DaevM

    Assists to lead to cheaper insurance - bum!!

    I imagine so. Can"t have human beings proving they are more capable than a bit of a.i. The System will rule ??
  20. DaevM

    I just wondered. Do folk in EVs

    Having been into Techno for over 30 years partial to a bit of electronica, especially on the longer journeys where a mix can be heard in its totality with little resistance.
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